On Sun, Mar 31, 2019 at 02:14:03PM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
https://loki.network/ https://github.com/majestrate/torrent.ano http://anodex.oniichanylo2tsi4.onion/ https://i2pd.website/ https://github.com/loki-project/loki-network/blob/master/docs/high-level.txt
Jeff does not mention chaff fill. Chaff fill should be 'acceptable' with window/ time limited bandwidth reservations (as opposed to unlimited duration/ "permanent" bandwidth reservation to peer P) - works even for low latency, and especially adds some beneficial anonymity in a low latency network (even time window bandwidth reservations feels like it "takes the sting out of" traffic correlation attacks by global passive adversary, i.e. the deep state NSA/ CIA/ FSB etc). Without this fundamental enhancement to I2P, then over and above I2P all you're adding is perhaps lower latency, perhaps better encryption, perhaps better routing, perhaps cleaner code/ new code base, i.e. all more or less marginal improvements over the status quo. Chaff fill at the network layer is the fundamental anonymity improvement required wrt all existing *nets. Good luck,