On Tue, 20 Oct 2020 03:19:57 -0400 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> vomited:
"We are proud to announce a new whole-of-government human trafficking website with federal resources for victims, current funding opportunities, public awareness and training efforts and information on survivor leadership."
Fucking hilarious, the 'grarpamp' is a feminazi cunt! That's...really unexpected. A trumpofascist US turd screeching about 'human trafficking'...wow. Jesus has told the trumpofascists that 'human trafficking' is 'bad'! I idly wonder what's going to be the next talking point from this 'grarpamp' turd? Muslamic terrists selling fentanyl to 'preschool' children? Muslamic terrists selling children to chinese cannibals? The demrats selling 'child porn' to muslamic terrists? BLM selling white children to black slave owners? So many options... hey 'grarpamp' how does it feel to be a complete piece of shit? Not a nice feeling eh?