The method must be developed by a single person and used only by that person to provide public content. Not send, not receive. Just publicize, once at a time, irregularly, with different method each time. No acknowledgement. Allowing others to partcipate opens the way to implantation of opponents, their subterfuges, their hiding among the defenses and offenses. The solo developer/user may be corrupt and compromizable, willing or unwilling, and may use its tool to anonymously attack without retribution or traceabiity. That is quite common. However, it will be possible to eventually track the developer/user due to vanity, arrogance, self-deception, dumbness, ignorance of the near-limitless variety of tracking, seduction, baiting, keeping quiet about the trackability, as done over and other with crypto and other means of security, military grade or fools gold. Still, there is an enduring appeal to try to beat the system, outsmart the smarties, dare to disobey and revolt. Problem is that appeal is most often promoted by authorities to smoke out their opponents, the main culprits being the professors and peddlers of crypto, comsec, infosec, cybersec, spying, susceptible to the king's coin, jealousy, vanity, pride, entrapment, compromise, bribery, imprisonment. Self-betrayal and -delusion remain the prime threats against cybersec victory. One's own content contains the seeds of failure, its DNA detectable. Don't give up, tilting at windmills is the generator of innovation, even if suicidal and madness. Success is the sign of serving authority. Giving up the battle without fighting is the goal Lao Tzu claimed is the enemy's top strategy. His disinfo has endured among the successful. At 02:56 AM 5/9/2020, you wrote:
Okay, so what should I actually do? I didn't suggest this project intending to make the decisions by myself, alone. I figured I might be one of dozens of deciders who combine ideas to plan this.
At this point, I see the main impediment is finding somebody with the motivations and qualifications to write the software. An additional complication is that whoever volunteers, he might not be trusted by others.
What is to be done?
The one situation that I consider intolerable is that TOR remains as a monopoly in the "anonymization marketplace".
Jim Bell
On Friday, May 8, 2020, 01:09:16 PM PDT, John Young <jya@pipeline.com> wrote:
So long as it is much more profitable to prevent and damage cybersecurity it is unlikely that any scheme for reliable and trustworthy public cybersecurity will be developed for any longer than it takes to monetize it, following a campaign to generate public trust with freeware and high recommendations of experts already deeply compromized (that's what experts means).
This has been the pattern for as long as insecurity and fear has been promoted by authoritarians, revolutionaries and "freedom fighters."
Challengers of authority inevitably betray believers for king's coin and/or other irresistable rewards. The only sec methods that publicly protect as expected are the ones never heard about, used briefly, disappear without a trace. "Never heard about," "used briefly," and "disappear without a trace" are obviously deception marketing tools. "Obviously deception marketing tools" too.
Mea culpa. This is freeware. Don't click it.
At 02:17 PM 5/8/2020, you wrote:
Excellent. I should mention that I have focussed on Raspberry Pi 4 merely because it was new, and seemed to be quite capable of serving as a anonymization node. If anything, we might call it "over-capable", but in the computer world that's not necessarily a bad thing. Standardized devices, especially if they are manufactured in huge quantity, become more economical. If somebody has an alternative idea for the hardware, now would be an excellent time to speak up.
They also tend to be studied more intensely than obscure, low-volume devices, I would imagine. What's the old saying, something like "Yes, we're paranoid, but I sometimes wonder if we are paranoid ENOUGH?"
One big improvement that I think we've settled on should be done is to implement 'chaff' into the protocol. 'chaff' might have been a problem if the people who host the nodes had some limited-data Internet service, but I am aware that Centurylink now offers 1 gigabit service for $65 monthly, and I think that service has no monthly data limit. (their slower services have a 1 terabyte montly limit). That should be plenty to allow for generous chaff.
I also thought of an idea to encrypt, or at least combine the outputs of two output nodes to generate the final data. Why? It is frequently (and quite wisely!) recommended that a home-user NOT act as an output node, for fear of being held liable (civilly or criminally) for plaintext that comes out of an output node. But I think there is a solution. Don't output plaintext, encrypt it somewhat so 'nobody' can simply point to it and declare, "There goes that forbidden data, again!".
One idea, mine, is to output TWO seemingly-random files, from two different output nodes, which when XOR'd with each other regenerates the (suspicious?) data. Another possibility is to encrypt the output with a symmetrical key, and perhaps deliver the key from another node. Not so much to make the data REALLY secure, but instead merely turn it into seemingly-randomized data that cannot be labelled 'suspicious' merely by monitoring the node's output.
Why shouldn't ordinary people be able to run an anonymization node, and even an output node, if these precautions are taken?
My point about the lifetime of SD cards was simply that if it used 'frequently', they might wear out. But, if they are only used for program storage and settings, that won't be a problem.
Jim Bell
On Friday, May 8, 2020, 01:51:58 AM PDT, other.arkitech
<<mailto:other.arkitech@protonmail.com>other.arkitech@protonmail.com> wrote:
I've been running USPS on a network of raspberry pis. You anonymization layer project is very aligned with my cryptoplatform project, and they both could be the same thing. with respect to wearing out the SD cards I have Raspberry pis older than 2 years runing the blockchain protocol and I haven detected failures in any of the _60 nodes
best OA
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<<https://protonmail.com>https://protonmail.com>ProtonMail Secure Email.
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On Friday, May 8, 2020 8:35 AM, jim bell <<mailto:jdb10987@yahoo.com>jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
It turns out that in two months, I will have the opportunity to announce this project at a convention. I will be happy to do so if it appears that there will be sufficient progress in the next two months. A fairly firm commitment by someone to write the software would be an excellent start. And, this announcement MAY lead to some financing of the project.
The main question, other than the financing, is the programming of the software. Has there
been any progress on this matter?
Jim Bell
On Monday, December 9, 2019, 11:39:10 AM PST, jim bell <<mailto:jdb10987@yahoo.com>jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
I hope people haven't fotten about the idea for making an alternate anonymization system. The hardware requirements almost write themselves. Yes, there was some discussion about the software issues. Could/did somebody write a proposal of the functions and features of this system? Any volunteers on programming it?
Jim Bell
On Tuesday, October 15, 2019, 01:21:31 PM PDT, jim bell <<mailto:jdb10987@yahoo.com>jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
Jim Bell's comments inline:
On Tuesday, October 15, 2019, 11:23:53 AM
PDT, Punk <<mailto:punks@tfwno.gf>punks@tfwno.gf> wrote:
On Sun, 13 Oct 2019 22:15:58 +0000 (UTC) jim bell <<mailto:jdb10987@yahoo.com>jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
...let's flesh out some of the numbers and practices. Shouldn't take more than a few hours or at most a couple days, to give everybody an input. This appears to be a representative sample of a Raspberry Pi 4 board, in kit form, 4 gigabyte of RAM (I guess they must mean SDCard, right, and not ordinary SRAM or DRAM?
as coderman said, that's the pi's main RAM memory. So yeah, those ARM 'systems on a chip' are quite capable. They have 4 cores running at ~1.2gcps and tons of ram.
_I_ remember when an Intel 8048 was called a "computer on a chip"!!!
SD wears out, right?), with cables, a clear plastic box. $85 in quantity one.
the previous model with 'only' 1gb or RAM, same processor is $35 or less. (you need to add a sd card, power supply and case)
How much main memory would be useful for a transfer node to use?
...so the hardware is quite cheap. The question is, of course, to what degree is it safe? The rpi for instance is designed in the english shithole by people working for the amerikan mafia known as broadcom. The rpi's main processor is a broadcom processor (not the quadcore ARM), running closed source firmware written by the raspberry 'foundation'.
there are other systems that are not as bad as the rpi - at least you won't be running GCHQ-NSA firmware directly. (some people were working on an open source firmware but I don't think they got it to work)
I agree that this is a matter that needs to be discussed. But no doubt you've heard of the saying, 'the perfect being the enemy of the good'.
Can we agree that 1,000 quantity will be a good initial "critical mass" for this project?
A thousand independent node operators isn't a small number.
tor is currently larger,
but 1000 is still a good start.
yeah, you have to take into account for instance what % of those nodes is owned by the NSA, GCHQ, FSB, stasi, whatever the chinese agency is called, samsung, hitachi, etc etc etc etc etc.
but wait, is your network partially client/server like tor, or is it a fully decentralized peer to peer network? (freenetproject.org)
First, I'm not looking for it to be thought of as "my" network, although maybe I will be credited with some initiative for giving the project a kick. The person whose network it is publicly known as might end up being the person who initially funds it, and agrees to have his name attached to the project as sponsor. And no, I'm not qualified to answer your second comment. I don't consider myself a "software person", never have been. This is yet another issue 'we' will have to work out.
While hypothetically node operators might receive some sort of subsidy (in full or in part) for their internet-service cost, it's also plausible that their Internet payment will be their "skin in the game", their contribution to the project. Centurylink offers 1 gigabit/second service for $65 plus tax. The speed itself is only one part of the issue. I think there is no data limit for their 1 gigabit service; their slower services may have a 1 terabyte/month limit.
I don't know about bandwidth costs, but they obv. depend on how your network works. So discussing those costs before having some idea about what kind of capacity/traffic/padding/architecture etc the system will have seems kinda backwards.
The reason I initially referred to "1 gigabit" service for nodes is that I was, and still am, under the impression that current Centurylink policy exempts them from their "excessive use" policy. I suspect that computers of this level (Raspbery pi 4) won't be able to throughput more than a few tens of megabits of (processed) data, if that, so Internet rate won't likely be a bottleneck. But a data cap could easily become a limiting factor, especially if the network implements heavy chaff.
As to 'entirely new', it seems to me that a high latency mixing network (which is not a 'new' design) is desirable. Such a network should allow people to communicate using non-real-time messages, instead of allowing them to browse jewtube. Low latency/real time networks and communications seem a lot harder to secure."
What I'm thinking of is a programmable-latency network, say anything from 1 to 256 hops. Although, it would be hard to imagine needing more than 16, I suppose.
some variables :
*) number of mixers/nodes a message goes through
Yes, I'm thinking that a user should be able to decide, for any individual message, how many nodes it will go through. He will still have a latency issue to deal with, but at least that tradeoff question will be decided by HIM, not the entire network as a group,.
*) all clients and nodes are exchanging fixed size packets all the time (chaff)
I consider chaff essential to increase the difficulty of tracing messages, especially when traffic is low.
*) there are no clients - it's a peer to peer network
This is a list of proposed 'improvements' to TOR.
No doubt SOMEWHERE there is a list of 'proposed improvements that we know the TOR structure will never agree to because they will be considered 'too good' '. Shouldn't we use those, too? Especially those!
so the best pentagon criminals like tor's syverson have been 'working' on this for a while and there are tons of 'literature' - some of their stuff is here
<<https://www.freehaven.net/papers.html>https://www.freehaven.net/papers.html>The Free Haven Project
notice that cypherpunks(...) like adam back(now blockstream CEO, google funded) a guy called goldberg and others have been/are involved with tor to varying degrees. Furthermore, adam back was subscribed to this list. His last message
questions about bitcoin-XT code fork & non-consensus hard-fork
anyway, you Jim could try to get some ideas or/and help from back. Ver for marketing and funding and back for technical assistance may be a good combination.
I hope that if the proposal is technically sound, financing won't be a problem. My idea of a target amount of initial subsidy for setting up one node (ignoring software-development costs) should be about $50: Myself, I'd like to charge about $30 for the hardware kit, the quantity-1 cost would be $90 or so, but I don't yet have an estimate if the materials are purchased in 1000+ quantity.
Here are some other datapoints :
those ppl have allegedly been working on teh problem...since forever. And they've gotten nowhere. They have even launched their own shitcoin/financial scam.
I see lots of fine words on their website. But they haven't accomplished much?
(MAID) price, charts, market cap, and other metrics | CoinMarketCap
And they are not the only ones who want to add economic incentives to 'file sharing'. The idea seems like a good one to me, but it doesn't seem to work.
If it were truly easy to attach a 18-terabyte HD to each node, that would make it a really interesting proposition... This, for $140 more...
<<https://storj.io/>https://storj.io/>Decentralized Cloud Storage Storj
"Decentralized Cloud Storage"
<<https://tron.network/>https://tron.network/>TRON Foundation:Capture the future slipping away
"TRON is an ambitious project dedicated to building the infrastructure for a truly decentralized Internet."
there prolly are a few more like that.
bottom line : there's a fair number of variables to take into account...
True, <sigh>, quite true.
Jim Bell