traffick boss: "excuse me, it's quite intersting how you're all talking about everything you do having to do with me being in charge, and i'm very excited to use these conversations somehow to free myself and wrest power back, but --" people look irritated and frown at traffick boss. he tries to smile back a little. traffick boss: "my host body has opened a laptop and i don't think it has the "grounding" people are planning." attendee: "should we do the sense countdown grounding exercise it describes in this handout?" attendee 2: "nono traffick boss tortured me to that one to irritate a therapist friend he had. i have an idea." attendee 3: "stabilization pattern #1 engaging ... this will be temporary but can be improved --" 1259 (central? slc) 2024-03-17 1300 karl: "ummm the behavior is too big for the pattern." attendee 3: "karl was in a -- oops" 1300 we're thinking this was an intersting exploration of opening the laptop, but maybe plans will change now we discover how it is to try. uncertain. 1300 karl's journal: i thought i would use time to try a small project on laptop, but things changed a lot when i opened it. as i handle this surprise, it's a little like my consciousness shrinks and something takes me over, and i try simple behaviors i've repeated before, like playing a game on an ipad. [i felt like i had less ch-- 1302 anyway, we were thinking of trying a smaller project :) worker: "I'm getting a huge ton of mind control influence i don't know what to do!!!!!" 1308