On December 19, 2015 5:54:21 PM dan@geer.org wrote:
Assange is entirely correct. The reason is the distribution curve for sensors and, in particular, everything -- and I mean everything -- about "personalization" is simply surveillance. I may be able to hide from The Man, but I cannot hide from my friends and neighbors, and they are increasingly festooned with the infrastructure of total information awareness. Poindexter was simply ahead of his time. The private sector will do with bread & circus what the mil sector can not do with black budgets; the private sector will own 95% of the listening posts and will buy their freedom of motion with yours.
It's deeply unsettling for me to admit that Dan correct about this, but there it is. I don't use Failbook (as I'm sure you *all* know by now) and yet I have received disturbing email from the Fuckerberg empire encouraging me to sign up so that I may "connect" with "people I might know." This is because some of my friends who use it were not s-m-r-t enough to disallow the harvesting of their contacts. One name that was suggested was someone I hadn't spoken with in well over a decade... there was simply no way they could have had my email address among their contacts, because that email address didn't exist during the time I knew them. Failbook is omniscient! There are several more instances in which my privacy was invaded or compromised due to the carelessness or ignorance of others, despite trying to maintain my nearly-zero online footprint online (in my legal name. Of course I may be selectively found pseudonymously.) That's not counting the countless Big Data database breaches which have put my medical and financial PII at risk. The death of privacy is not going to be 1984'd; we already live within A Brave New World, and it's being built one narcissistic, geolocation-enabled, duck-faced selfie and status update check-in at a damn time. Why would the TLAs waste any more* money on invasive data collection when people put their info and everyone else's out there, sold for the use of "free" email and apps? Can't really blame them for plucking the lowest-hanging fruit. *In-Q-Tel's ROI on that initial Facebook seed money must be positively unquantifiable. -S