> Mike Peinovich, the creator of a neo-Nazi website on which he jokes about the Holocaust and talks about killing Jewish people, resigned after rival neo-Nazis revealed that he was married to a Jewish woman.

From this week's Harpers Weekly Review.


A personal recollection

A decade or so ago I was arrested after some skinhead kid at the local bus station took a swing at me for absolutely no reason (probably meth psychosis). The cops arrested both of us even though there were reliable witnesses telling them I had done, literally, nothing to start the fight (never seen the putz before in my life).

While we were sitting in the back of the pigmobile waiting for the trip to jail the kid actually had the nerve to say "Please don't file charges on me! I'm on parole!" I told him he should have fucking thought about that before he decided I looked like a victim...

He replied: "Awww c'mon White Blood doesn't do that to white blood!"

I said: "Would it shut you the fuck up if I told you I was Jewish?"

He replied, with a BIG cornball smile: "Jews are OK with me! Sholom Aleichem!"

Moral of story Neonazis are ethic-less cohone-less shapeshifting weasels. Exterminate on sight.


Ps. I was released the next morning without apology after my story was 'officially' corroborated.

And the booking papers? The charge they held me on was "Drunk in public". I rarely drink. Never in public, and I don't drink to the point of being even tipsy, no less drunk. When I mentioned that to the booking officer at the desk he just shrugged his shoulders. Another bogus crime statistic they probably ended up using to stump for the funding to build a new state-of-the-police-state-art "Alcoholic Recovery Unit", aka "Drunk Tank".