office of refugee resettlement and unaccompanied alien children whistleblowers from the ORR and sister agencies report that the ORR has been handing incoming children directly to domestic trafficking groups on a massive scale (one recipient had 300 children), often to known members of multinational cartels and gangs. this is often done irresponsibly in response to internet messages, as well as many other concerns. attempts to engage this via direct channels have failed. one might suspect after attending lectures on this by people who experienced it that these cartels have infiltrated the ORR in some way, but this is not said directly. there is a chilling mandate that events of pursuing evidence of this can each be met with 1 year jail time, possibly from a law intended to protect privacy and limit government powers. those attempting to prosecute the ORR say they would not likely follow through with this threat, as the evidence against them is so heavy. this is an ongoing situation for some time now. in florida, a special grand jury has been held for months, to force changes. the female whistleblower repeatedly expressed great distress that she signed up to reunite children with their families and discovered her work had served instead to traffick them. she needed to know there was trafficking going on in the government agency she worked for. [it is sad the concern overlaps with open borders politics] as a naive yuppie, i wasn’t really aware how much the countries of south and central america were run by cartels. one speaker said that the only way to reach the border was via them. they engage heavily in human trafficking; for example they rent enslaved children so that adults can cross as a family under laws for this; the children are then sent back and cross again. some traffickers have land and trafficked workers in both countries. similarly children when domestically trafficked after immigration children can yearn to leave their slavery and self-deport but due to their debt to cartels changing their country doing so would result in foreclosure of homes and threats of murder. the usa has a huge impact on a complex situation … — one interesting thing i learned is that it is illegal to import goods made with trafficked labor, and such things should be reported to caring authorities (not corrupt authorities). i did not know this was illegal!