email blast zeenAn killed the list - thx alot -------- Original Message -------- On Nov 2, 2016, 4:19 AM, Zenaan Harkness wrote: Wow. Generals. Revolving doors. Scalps. The Deep State imploding yet? Let's assume the USA "constitution" does not forbid barter :) General Michael Flynn blasts Hillary Clinton and her crimes: ‘I’m sick of it. She should step down’ http://theduran.com/general-michael-flynn-blasts-hillary-clinton-crimes-amer... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhCCLM6oqUo Wikileaks whistleblower revealed as deep state officials. Former deputy Assistant Secretary of State warns of Clinton coup d’etat http://theduran.com/wikileaks-whistleblowers-revealed-as-deep-state-official... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ov5kvWSz5LM " Attorney General Loretta Lynch seems to be in the pocket of the Clintons, intervening and obstructing FBI investigations into Hillary Clinton’s private server and e-mails at every turn. James Comey, who was on the board of directors at HSBC bank, a bank that gave $81 million to the Clinton Foundation, is also the current head of the FBI. " Donna Brazile tweets in desperation, “Please God, let this end soon” as CNN gives her the boot http://theduran.com/donna-brazile-tweets-desperation-please-god-let-end-soon... Clinton family henchman James Carville goes insane, says ‘KGB and Republicans’ are behind FBI investigation http://theduran.com/clinton-family-henchman-james-carville/ " James Carville tries to finger the ‘KGB’ over 10 times, followed by phrases such as ‘America’s democracy is under attack’… “The KGB is all over this election.” “This is an attempt to hijack an election.” - First, the KGB does not even exist, making Carville look like an complete nutcase every time he mentions the word ‘KGB’. - Second, not one US intelligence Agency has confirmed the Russian government or FSB was behind the hacking. " FBI says no connection between Donald Trump and Russia. Harry Reid goes full “McCarthy” http://theduran.com/fbi-says-no-connection-between-donald-trump-and-russia-h... Perhaps here lies part of the answer: How Putin Derailed the West's Grand Project to Remake the World http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/11/01/how-putin-derailed-the-west/ " This is hard for ordinary people to understand. They can’t grasp why elite powerbrokers would want to transform functioning, stable countries into uninhabitable wastelands overrun by armed extremists, sectarian death squads and foreign-born terrorists. Nor can they understand what has been gained by Washington’s 15 year-long rampage across the Middle East and Central Asia that has turned a vast swathe of strategic territory into a terrorist breeding grounds? What is the purpose of all this? ... But the real escalation is expected to take place when Hillary Clinton becomes president in 2017. That’s when the US will directly engage Russia militarily, assuming that their tit-for-tat encounters will be contained within Syria’s borders. It’s a risky plan, but it’s the next logical step in this bloody fiasco. "