On Sun, Jul 12, 2020 at 11:01:48AM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
On Sat, Jul 11, 2020 at 11:46:46AM -0700, misterbigstuff wrote:
considering the trend for removing problematic language, is there another term that could be applied to gang blocks that could make discussion of such topics easier and less trigger-prone?
This PC posturing is reactionary, and not at all sincere (by the hidden instigators originating this plan upon us all), - it is attempts to control our language, and more yet..
Controlling language is a temporary "effect producing intention" dasigned to demonstrate power, to cause submission to a hidden will, and nothing else, and under the guise of social signalling.
Controlling language, or rather, imposing the will of a minority (not the stated minority of "those triggered" either) upon the majority in regard to the words we use, is also an attempt to control thoughts. As Professor of psychology Dr. Jordan Peterson has pointed out quite succinctly, we "think" in words, and so such attempts to control the words we use, is an attempt to control our thoughts.
And the reason this can only be temporary is that all concepts still exist (child, gang, etc) for eternity, and in time we will if we succumb to this hidden intention, begin to use new words for the old concepts, but in the meantime we will be poorer of thought and definitively testing the waters of society wide, violent revolution; I suggest this is unwise. As temporary as it may be, the destructive power it unleashes is usually unseen until too late.
Some folks really do not know that they are being lead in their superficial social signalling desires, for hidden and very dark intentions. If you are unfamiliar, please begin to read Solzhenitsyn's "Gulag Archipelago" which was recently translated into English and available for download, and was for decades outlawed in Russia. We owe it to ourselves to not fall into these same traps again.
If you struggle with the basics of good and evil, as many have and some still do, consider the following:
I have a conscience.
By my conscience I know good, and evil.
By my will, I choose to do good, and not evil.
Pretending evil "will no longer exist if certain words are no longer used" is obviously not true, and not a solution, and carrying very real and historically precedented potential consequences.
It is not the words we use which are the measure of us, it is how we treat one another.
Let's be kind, but firm in the face of those who need help to cope in this world and direct them in weys to get the support and help they may genuinely need.
In case anyone missed the memo, there are serious and sustained attepts to get a White "Soros color revolution" underway in the USA: Tucker Finally Addresses the Elephant in the Room: The Mob is Going to Start Killing People http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion/tucker-finally-addresses-the-elephant-in-the-r... I knew it was coming and I told you it was coming but it has happened: with some subtlety, Tucker Carlson has addressed the fact that this mob that is running through the streets tearing down statues and attacking cars on the road is going to start killing people at some point. Rather than just come right out with it himself, Tucker had a guest on, Federalist Senior Editor Chris Bedford, to mention casually and with gravity that the destruction of statues is “always followed by people.” “Every time in history, Tucker, that we’ve seen statues taken down, from ancient Rome to France where they started with symbols like a large empty prison, and then they started attacking churches, and it goes from there,” Bedford said. He mentioned that the American mob is currently lynching these statues in effigy. He was referring to an event last month in Raleigh, North Carolina, where a Confederate statue was torn down in the normal way with ropes, and then a pack of fat white women dragged it through the streets. It was eventually hanged from a post by the out of shape millennial men who were presumably trying to get laid by impressing these vile harpies on a bloodlust. “Revolutionaries and mobs that go after the symbols of a civilization never just want to stop at a symbol. They’re not just angry at a statue. They’re angry at what it represents. … They will not stop until the real blood is spilled in a targeted way,” Bedford continued. ... Solzhenitsyn folks, if you ain't up on the Gulag Alchipelago, your skin may appreciate a primer - even a chapter will give you a flavour - spread the memo if that's the right thing to do...