On Tuesday, September 3, 2019, 09:10:15 PM PDT, Razer <g2s@riseup.net> wrote:
This is dedicated to the morons who actually believe the 911 bullshit they're fed and regurgitate ... as if they actually know what they're talking about.
"Incredible moment forklift driver causes an entire warehouse to collapse when he bumps into shelf " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbIjL2jdn8M
Well, in 20/20 hindsight, the flaw was that while the shelf design was quite capable of holding the static load of the boxes, even a comparatively minor impact at the base of a small portion of the shelving caused a chain-reaction collapse. Putting on my "lawyer hat" now, I'd say that the engineer who designed this monstrosity will have to prepare to write a very large check. It is quite anticipatible that eventually a forklift would eventually strike a beam on the lowest level, leading to a collapse such as this. And even if that hadn't happened, an earthquake would likely have set it off. One proper solution would have been to armor the lowest level of shelving to ensure that the highest plausible impact could not have led to such an eventuality. Also, the lower levels of shelving should be stronger, since it is obvious they support more weight. Yet another possibility would be to suspend the shelves from beams of sufficient strength to not allow anything to fall even if any beams collapsed. Jim Bell