From: Ben Tasker <>
On Fri, Nov 18, 2016 at 11:30 PM, juan <> wrote:
        'Their' service exists only thanks to the users and the fascist
        government they work for.

>Twitter is entirely dependant on it's userbase, yes. If they feel that allowing that kind of speech is going to lead to users not feeling comfortable >using the service (leading to a reduction of the userbase) the only sane commercial decision is to remove the problematic speech, no?

As opposed to that old concept of actually letting people engage in FREE SPEECH?!?
Sorry, but I have to laugh!   A lot of speech will bother _somebody_.  If a service removes speech that _somebody_ claims to object to, fairly soon there will be little or no speech to see.  
I suspect these people are merely trying to justify PC censorship.   Stop it.
       Jim Bell