In fact, PM's are ideal for answering the remaining age old question of "But who will build the roads?" in a voluntary NAP preserving libertarian society.
Will Prediction Markets be the answer to "But Who Will Build The Roads?", and other Questions of "Shared / Public" resources?
Not only do General Prediction Markets (GPM's) solve the question of "What are the better 'public investments' to do?"... as determined by the actual public, instead of by tyrannies of (laughable "democratic") central authorities (which history has proven always care more about themselves than the human condition)... GPM's are also strictly better than "crowdfunding". This is because fraudulent countless crowdfund recipients will always popup to defraud the crowd at will, enabled by the fact that the contracts of the fraudulent crowdfund proposer are by nature setup as award-before-delivery mode, and even worse, in a many-losses-sent-to-one-walkaway-scammer payout mode. Whereas GPM's use award-upon-delivery to specification mode, from whatever inputs back the trusted-by-history-of-example payors (which predictors are free to choose from and predict or not), to the claimant payee upon completion. Of course such payee will need to have built up or secured via other methods the means to complete the work (herein "The Roads", or whatever meter or pothole of them) in order to claim the prediction and thus earn the reward. However, even that can be parceled out by the GPM's as piecewise rewards toward any larger goal... anyone who can earn the smallest of monetary units by their human labor, can spend that into claiming the next larger prediction, thus also remaining consistent with fundamentals of economics. Note also that GPM's rapidly advance human capabilities and drive public costs lower by being claimed by the first competitor that can arise do it profitably. No resources are wasted by any party, and crony favoritism, roads and bridges to nowhere, etc, are all driven out. Crowdfunds and Governments simply cannot match the performance of GPM's in these regards. Yes, silly tycoons will fund art deco roads to nowhere, but that is at their own loss and that of their investors, not lossed forced upon and extracted from the public through inflation and theft as all Govts immorally and criminally do today. Given the abject, guaranteed, inefficient, oppressive, corrupt, and ruinous failure of all Govt in history to do any such works... GPM's should be explored, developed, and operated to "Build the Roads", "Get to Mars", "Cure Cancer", "Fusion Power", "Charity", etc... whatever humanity feels needs done. You might find the results to be pleasantly surprising.