24 Sep
24 Sep
12:57 a.m.
2016-09-24 4:29 GMT+03:00 <xorcist@sigaint.org>:
There are no fucking good guys and bad guys. There are just guys, playing chess. Good and bad, right and wrong, don't enter the equation.
GOOD and bad, RIGHT and wrong - are THE ONLY VARIABLES in this equation. Whether in micro = everyone's personal life ___Whether___ in MACRO = in the geopolitics of the world. Whose the good guy, and whose the bad guy is the wrong question.
Who is the Good and who is the bad-evil guy/country -
*IS THE ONLY RIGHT AND THE ONLY IMPORTANT QUESTION,fucker.* Thus the attitude to these people-countries-their actions - must be appropriate. __ *p.s.* In simple words: Putin-Russia ARE the good guys. And Obama/Hillary/-Usa ARE the bad-evil guys. Period.