James A. Donald wrote:
That he did not rate limit the download is an announcement "I am powerful and have the correct political connections, and you do not", which assessment turned out to be incorrect.
Ulex Europae wrote:
Or it might've simply been an unintentional oversight, a mistake, a malfunction or who knows what.
James A. Donald wrote:
The expression on his face, and his choice of reading material, suggests deliberate intent.
On 2014-01-06 04:16, rysiek wrote:
"I interpret an expression on a photo of a face of a person I have never met in a certain, peculiar way, hence I have the right to judge them and have the insight to understand their actions and motivations in full."
I have read his reading material. He thought himself ruling class, and those whose network he disrupted the ruled. Same principle as one can apply to Henry Louis Gates. "Do you know who I am!", Gates tells the cop. The arrogant voice of the ruler to the ruled.