Why did they use Paypal? Probably because they are aspiring to gain popular attention and support, and most people don't use Bitcoin; they use Paypal and credit cards for online transactions. Of course Paypal is a liability in terms of privacy and the risks of them doing something just like what they did, but if MailPile hadn't gone with Paypal, it's likely they wouldn't have gotten the amount of funding that was donated so far. It's always a tradeoff of risk, especially when you're aiming to go mainstream. On Thu 05 Sep 2013 07:58:07 AM EDT, CypherPunk wrote:
On 09/05/2013 06:09 AM, rysiek wrote:
inb4 "why would they use PayPal" -- from what I've heard they didn't plan it originally but it was brought in by popular demand.
This kind of stuff really makes me wish Indigogo would allow donations via Bitcoin as well as PayPal. Too many people have had trouble with PayPal and they've done this kind of thing before. I, for one, am encouraging anyone who wants to donate to do so via Bitcoin on the MailPile site. Who the hell needs Paypal!
-- http://disman.tl OpenPGP key: http://disman.tl/pgp.asc Fingerprint: 2480 095D 4B16 436F 35AB 7305 F670 74ED BD86 43A9