On Thu, Jan 6, 2022 at 7:48 AM, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0
<punks@tfwno.gf> wrote:

US nazi vaccine murderers admit to having murderer more than 10,000 people.


>    "10,688 reports of death  among people who received a covaids vaccine."

>    I guess this sheds new light on the moral nature of pieces of non human shit like jim bell.

Sounds like you are lying.  Yet again!

I don't advocate vaccine mandates.  I advocate taking the vaccine, and I have done so, three times.       And:

    "10,688 reports of death  among people who received a covaids vaccine."

DOESN'T MEAN  that the deaths were CAUSED BY the vaccine.  

That seems simple enough.  If a person died in an un-survivable traffic accident a day after he got a vaccine, that might be reported somewhere among these statistics.  How many people received a vaccine (in America)?  Probably 250 million. 
10,688 deaths CAUSED by a vaccine would be distressing, but that's presumably not what that's what this number represents.

 We started vaccinating the oldest and unhealthiest people among us, and for very good reason.  If 25 million of those were 'old', and 10,000 of them died within about one year of vaccination, that is to be expected, actuarially, if you consider all causes of death, including simple old-age.

You also (stupidly, as usual) ignore the number of people who WOULD HAVE died, mostly of COVID-19 or its variants, had a vaccine not been possible, or at least not available, by now.  It wasn't always clear that a vaccine could be made.  And people had to plan for their own best interest based on all possibilities, not just the optimistic ones.

AIDS, for instance, does not have a reliable vaccine even 40 years after its discovery.  The reason for that, I certainly don't understand, biology being my weakest science.

A COVID-19 vaccine which saved 'only' 90% of those who might otherwise die might seem to be a disappointment, but if that had been the best that current medical science could provide, most people would take that vaccine for the limited benefit it does provide 

The 1918 flu may have killed 50-60 million people worldwide.  Maybe it will be possible to estimate the number COVID-19 would have killed had no vaccine been available, like a vaccine wasn't available in 1918.

You pretend to 'forget' that I have consistently been interested in, and posted here, news of potential treatments for COVID-19, from my posting of Chloroquine on 2/8/2020, to ivermectin, famotidine (Pepcid), to others, and quite recently to diphenhyramine and lactoferrin.and now Disulfuram (Antabuse). And, of course, I haven't listed them all.

People also STUPIDLY forget that Chloroquine (different than HCQ)  was completely non-controversial UNTIL Trump mentioned it!  Is there any greater proof of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) than this?  

Maybe Chloroquine hasn't lived up to its early hopes?  But the point is this:. Stupid people were actually vehemently rejecting Chloroquine (and others)  long before they could possibly have known that it wouldn't work.  They criticized people who said those drugs should be tried, citing their (supposed) lack of evidence, but it was also illogical to think that think they could have known they wouldn't work.  Yet that's exactly what they did.

Another idiot here (Professor Rat) actually pretended, for a while, that my interest in potential AntI-COVID-19 drugs meant that I HAD TO be "anti-vaxx".    He, also quite stupidly, 'forgot' that I displayed my interest in such drugs about 10 months BEFORE a vaccination would become available to any other than test subjects.  And, that was about 13 months before I was eligible for a vaccine, according to the rules in America.

So why should anyone, even for a moment, have thought I was anti-vaxx?  The answer? They WEREN'T thinking!

And I continue to be correct.  These days, even some people triply-vaccinated get this Omicron variant.  And they, too, would greatly appreciate some drugs to ameliorate those 'breakthrough' infections.

Clearly, to me, a lot of similar controversy has erupted in America, where many people similarly misrepresent these potential anti-COVID-19 drugs.  There's been a lot of illogic about vaccines versus drugs, but there's been as much illogic from the Left as from the Right.