The Thunderbird filter I use looks like:

On 04/28/2017 01:29 PM, John Newman wrote:
On Fri, Apr 28, 2017 at 11:15:52AM +0530, Avinash Sonawane wrote:

I am subscribed to handful of mailing lists and I'm sure many of you
are too. It gets pretty overwhelming when I check my mailbox at the
end of day or after couple of days.

I would like to request the admins/owners to add [Cypherpunks] at the
beginning of a subject by default to easily spot the mails from
Cypherpunks list. This can be easily done by tweaking the appropriate
Mailman settings and I can see that we are using Mailman to manage
this list.

What do you guys think?
Make a mail filter that prepends "[Cypherpunks]" (or whatever) to every
cypherpunk list message, if you don't want to sort into its own box. 

Of course, that has the disadvantage of (sort of) breaking replies,
because the subject has changed...
