I try to avoid posting "political" issues, or at least initiating them, but Joe Biden just called for Trump to be impeached because Trump called on Ukraine and China to investigate him, Joe Biden.

I wonder why this doesn't qualify as "attempted obstruction of justice".   Any facts concerning illegal or improper activity by Biden found by either Ukraine or China would likely eventually make their way back to America, and thus would likely (should they exist) result in the prosecution of Biden's son, Hunter.  Joe Biden is trying either to threaten Trump, or to actually remove Trump as retaliation for this investigation.

I'm not objecting to Joe Biden simply because he (hypothetically) said something merely wrong or otherwise objectionable.  There was plenty Biden could have said in criticism, which wouldn't have constituted attempted obstruction of justice.  But that's not what happened.  He said he wants Trump removed from office, because Trump wants him and his son investigated for crimes.  

                Jim Bell