On Sun, Sep 22, 2019 at 01:39:06AM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
On 9/21/19, \0xDynamite <dreamingforward@gmail.com> wrote:
But it is not false to say 'anarchism and capitalism can coexist.'
How will you protect that which capitalism builds? And will it all be barter?
Those seem meta questions that tend to solve themselves in open markets and education.
Perhaps all people really need to do is show people ways to handle their harder conceptual physical space problems during and after transition to non-government models... "build the roads", water, electric, food, health, "police", etc... in say the case of roads how to without using privacy rights invading vehicle or personal pay-trackers. There are a few solution models for each of those big mental blocker things. You should look them up and post them here for people to read and forward on.
The big mental blocker for how to travel without using privacy rights invading vehicle and personal pay trackers - is don't attach the identifying number plates or toll payment RFID devices. And then you come up against the force of the existing state. So how does one peacefully protest without giving up a life in jail and under endless police harassment? That's the freedom creating question...
Unfortunately at most conferences, Libertarian Voluntaryist Anarchist whatever their name, they're too busy talking same old trashtalk and truths about the Governments they claim to disavow in order to pump and sell themselves, instead of giving at least equal time to showing people how to route around, infiltrate, weaken, topple them... to think, work, live, share, cooperate together... to educate new generations, etc.
Waking up is necessary prereq, but without everyone having clear workable novel alternative paths in hand, they will still be trapped, unable to do anything.
As in another thread... most people need shown how to make pencils before they can make them on their own... so go tell them.