On Sat, 16 Nov 2019 01:37:54 -0500 John Newman <jnn@synfin.org> wrote:
I always had a bad feeling about AP, for a few reasons. Jim just made some of those reasons extremely obvious.
well, tyrannicide is a moral obligation. And the right to defend oneself from govcorp is the obvious extention of the natural rights to life, liberty and property. And so, killing govcorp agents (unless let's say, they surrender) is legitimate. Using 'crowdfunding', anonymous comms and virtual 'money' to coordinate defensive actions against govcorp would be typically cypherpunk, obviously. Though my personal view is that there's no way govcorp would allow THEIR 'technology' to be used against them. On the other hand, Jim's 'political theory' is clearly nonsense with little connection to liberal anarchy. He has never studied the topic, despite claiming he's a 'libertarian' and now an 'anarchist', because he 'invented'...nothing and has 'solved'...nothing. Political assassination and 'dark markets' are certainly not 'his' ideas so his claim to 'intellectual property' is bullshit...ignoring for a second that 'intellectual property' itself is bullshit.