so i gave u access to the doc but i wanted to let you know some orgs are just gov transparency targeting specific parts of gov and some i have found not really functioning - very few but after compilation they died so... its where my list is now there are a lot on there tons in germany of course - let me know if you have any questions On Sun, Mar 23, 2014 at 4:23 AM, Cari Machet <carimachet@gmail.com> wrote:
i have a pretty big list they are usually known globally as transparency groups i will give you access... its on fing google docs but...
its a great need for these groups to communicate i agree but i have found people are generally at the same point with things - math there are only so many scenarios... but for them to communicate wld b an amp
On Sun, Mar 23, 2014 at 2:19 AM, Blibbet <blibbet@gmail.com> wrote:
We're trying to build a list of contacts to (city,county,state,county)-based privacy groups, to see if a multi-city coalition would be helpful. We have private contacts that we're hoping to shortly have a mailing list setup, so they can communicate better.
Below is current list I'm aware of. There's many cities that I can't find groups for; are things really that bad? :-(
If you have a contact at one of these groups, please contact me off-list!
Thanks! Lee
Seattle Privacy https://www.seattleprivacy.org/
Oakland Privacy http://oaklandwiki.org/Oakland_Privacy_Working_Group
Los Angeles: Stop LAPD Spying Coalition http://stoplapdspying.org/
Oregon: https://twitter.com/OregonPrivacy
Austin, Texas: EFF Austin http://effaustin.org/about/ http://twitter.com/EFFaustin https://www.facebook.com/eff.austin
Texas: Texas Electronic Privacy Coalition http://txepc.org/
Texas: Restore the Fourth ATX https://twitter.com/Restore4thATX http://restorethe4th.com/ https://www.facebook.com/RestoreThe4thAustin
New York:The Calyx Institute https://calyxinstitute.org/
Germany: list of local AK Vorrat (German Working Group on Data Retention) groups https://wiki.vorratsdatenspeicherung.de/Ortsgruppen
Cologne, Germany: http://cologne.stopwatchingus.info/demo-12-april/en.html
-- Cari Machet NYC 646-436-7795 carimachet@gmail.com AIM carismachet Syria +963-099 277 3243 Amman +962 077 636 9407 Berlin +49 152 11779219 Reykjavik +354 894 8650 Twitter: @carimachet <https://twitter.com/carimachet>
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-- Cari Machet NYC 646-436-7795 carimachet@gmail.com AIM carismachet Syria +963-099 277 3243 Amman +962 077 636 9407 Berlin +49 152 11779219 Reykjavik +354 894 8650 Twitter: @carimachet <https://twitter.com/carimachet> 7035 690E 5E47 41D4 B0E5 B3D1 AF90 49D6 BE09 2187 Ruh-roh, this is now necessary: This email is intended only for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use of this information, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this email without permission is strictly prohibited.