On Sep 1, 2016 7:00 PM, "HateSpeech" <hatespeech@sigaint.org> wrote:
> > Cecilia Tanaka:
> > www.feministinternet.net
> Fuck your feminist (otherist) principals.

Sorry, dear.  I have no feminist of mine to fuck.  All feminists are free.  I will never have "my feminist".  I am my own feminist.  :)

Women and men are human beings.  Equally able of construct a new world, equally able of saving lives.  Both are wonderful.  People are awesome, astonishing, my dear!  :D

For those who want to know more about their work, the link is this:


Love, much love and kisses for all of you!!!  <3

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."