On Nov 6, 2019, at 4:35 PM, Punk - Stasi 2.0 <punks@tfwno.gf> wrote:

On Wed, 06 Nov 2019 08:03:06 +0000
John Newman <jnn@synfin.org> wrote:

I notice you ignored the question. So again, where's the center of the

Within our light cone, I don't think the universe has a center, per se.

what? Light cone? 


I don't really remember, and im tired ;)

ha - you've forgotten your brainwashing? Looks like your govt schools need MORE FUNDING =)

Lol. I don't consider math, computer science, or astronomy subjects susceptible to
brainwashing. It's not dogma, the shit advances & changes iteratively, over time, with 
the work of researchers & the err “scientific mafia” ;)

Shulgin is probably my favorite chemist, but he's not a physicist ;)

Neither are you. On the other hand, shulgin was no doubt a
'scientist'...Then again, I'm just playing your recourse-to-authority

Lol, neither are you!

Right. And? I mean, come on. Your original objection to shulgin is clearly null and void. You didn't read what he wrote, you just made an irrelevant comment about him.

My objection hasn't changed, and it isn't void. Shulgin's a smart guy, so what?
A lot of smart people get carried away when they dabble. 

It's my game now that I point out your authority isn't a fucking "authority" ?

He was certainly somebody who exercised some critical thinking and that's why I invoked him.

But I don't need to invoke shulgin's credentials. What he said stands
by itself. The big bang is absurd, creationist bullshit. 

Repeating something over and over doesn't make it any more true :)

Right back at you =) Parroting what the current 'scientific' mafia says doesn't make it true AND shows that you are willing to parrot stuff you don't understand. 

Ok, I’ll give you this one.  You’re definitely the expert on stuff you don’t understand :)

So now you are saying, what, relativity is bullshit too?  Lol. 
Newtonian physics don't keep satellites rotating around the earth, 


You cut part of your own quote out, where you called some of Einstein's shit

Yes, but my "eh?" is directed at the bit about newton. Not sure what you mean.

What I said about you not believing in relativity was in response to this comment, which you (accidentally, I assume) snipped -

right, all the nonsense about 'curved space time' paves the way for
more pseudo scientific tales. 

You called ‘curved space time’ nonsense, which is the same as calling the theory of relativity nonsense. Which, unless Newton was
a fucking crazy jew-kkkristian too (he actually was lol, he spent more time on alchemy & bible studies then he did on math), leaves
Newtonian physics.  

Again, how is it 'useful'. Ah you mean, it allows governmetn parasites
from academia to steal millions per year doing useless 'research'.
Well, it's certainly 'useful' in that utilitarian sense...like stolen
money is 'useful' to thieves.

Knowledge is useful in and of itself, 

ajaja - did you miss the fact that you just asserted(again) what you're supposed to prove? What KNOWLEDGE? The big bang tale is not knowledge. It's creationist bullshit. 


by whatever dirty means it may be 
acquired. I don't find academia quite so pointless as you, although I can
see your point.

I don't think academia pointless. It's certainly not pointless for the powers that be since their technocratic fascism relies heavily on 'academia'.  And some of their knowdledge is actual knowdlege. Paid by murdering brown children.

Yeah, I suppose we should just blow up all the schools, and burn all the books. I know you’re thinking “only the books written by someone with a JEWISH surname” but, no, better to burn them all.  This is the way forward, again I have to agree :)

Peace (in the middle east),

Thats it from me. Bed, and work tomorrow.
