Message du 15/04/14 00:46 De : "Juan"
So, I didn't mean that politicians are above engineers. I mean that political beliefs and understanding of political theory are more important than crypto knowledge.
A few years ago, I was studying timezones to link them to geolocation databases and get an approximation of the correct timezone customers would be using a certain service, that was to be used to sync clocks and plan backups for low traffic hours. If you had the displeasure of doing this kind of job once, you are certain to get hit by the fact that politicians make a point of messing with time standards just to meet "political goals", like bosses that change desks' places just to make the office "more like their style", like dogs pissing on lampposts. That is kind of primitive monkey behavior, I think many of you share this feeling. I find such stupid capricious behavior is not worthy of respect and the people who do it, not worthy of their positions. There is no way of respecting any of them, since they are no better than dogs, by acting that way. It is bad when a boss does it, but it is much worse when a politician does such things. Sharing my frustration, a guy in a forum said these wise words, more or less: - 300 years ago we got rid of the influence of religion, so humanity could advance. Now the time for the politicians is up. The current stage of the internet crypto is the same as the current stage of NASA going to Mars. We won't even get to low Earth orbit if we don't shed the weight of so many stakeholders - not to call them parasites so directly. Either we get back to the roots and do nimble and usable things - that a human can understand and manage alone - or we won't go anywhere. I agree it is wise we understand politics, just to work around them.