More on the delusional behavior that might be exhibited if you're 'touched in da haid' enough to believe your own delusions about 'simulation', as translated into strategy and tactics. "The Chalabi Card". Juan Cole, professor of Persian studies, recounts a convo between AIPAC's BFF Doug Feith, who was head of the "Department of Lying to the American Public" at the Pentagon during the run-up to the War on Iraq, with a low-level State Department employee he was teaching during his short stint at one of the power-elite's Peer Reviewed institutions... Georgetown University: "State Dept. Official: “Doug, after the smoke clears, what is the plan?” Feith: “Think of Iraq as being like a computer. And think of Saddam as like a processor. We just take out the old processor, and put in a new one–Chalabi.” State Dept. Official: “Put in a new processor?” Feith: “Yes! It will all be over in 6 weeks.” State Dept. Official: “You mean six months.” Feith: “No, six weeks. You’ll see.” State Dept. Official: “Doug.” Feith: “Yes?” State Dept. Official: “You’re smoking crack, Doug.” Feith: “Oh, so you’re disloyal to the President, are you?” Source: Verification of Feith’s belief in a 'short war’ was published by the National Security Archive and it SEEMED to be due to the apparent fact that Chalabi and friends channeled funds to ostensibly sympathetic people in Iraq’s government… They REALLY expected the US to just walk in, greeted with flowers, because “Delusional”. TOP SECRET POLO STEP Iraq War Plan Assumed Only 5,000 U.S. Troops Still There by December 2006 […] “First, they assumed that a provisional government would be in place by ‘D-Day’, then that the Iraqis would stay in their garrisons and be reliable partners, and finally that the post-hostilities phase would be a matter of mere ‘months’. ” […] For more information contact: Thomas Blanton/Joyce Battle - 202/XXX-XXXX Rr "The roots of repression are and remain real roots; consequently, their eradication remains a real and rational job. What is to be abolished is not the reality principle; not everything, but such particular things as business, politics, exploitation, poverty." ~Herbert Marcuse, Critique of UCSC's Philosophy professor Norman O. Brown On 10/08/2016 07:35 AM, Razer wrote:
Does Soros think the universe is a simulation too?
You know that's just a rationalization for psychopathic behavior and megalomania. It the universe is just a construct it doesn't much matter what the fuck you do now does it? It's just one humungous video game, and if you blow up the universe just pull the cart out and stuff it back in. Sort of like Soros visualizes Ukraine et al. "Firmware upgrade"
On 10/08/2016 03:37 AM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Oh poor, poor baby - what's wrong the world? Oh Georgey, the world isn't behind you in your desire to bring down Russia and launch your one world government new world order with your one world carbon tax and associated "one world" entities. There there Georgey, it'll all be over soon, Mr Big Bad Putin will get tired soon with his multi polar world and then you can get a good old sleep...
Welp, least we know is who the big baddy is...
George Soros smells war, blood, and profits. Calls on world to unite against Vladimir Putin
Oh, you wanted to know the big baddy? Why, this'll explain it for ya: Watch This Journalist Prove Vladimir Putin was Behind Every Major Terrorist Attack – Ever
Ah, yes, glad we cleared that up... it's hard, really hard, to know what to think sometimes, that's why we have the Lame Stream Media to guide us.
Well, at least the CIA and USA military's escapade in Syria has caused cold war tensions to ease to very benign and uneventful levels:
Ahem, what I meant is, USA just got bitch slapped: U.S. backs down over Syria after Russian threat to shoot down American aircraft
(Man, those crazy Russians: Russian couple climb highest construction site in the world in China )
But wait! Al-Qaeda must be saved: