Boss is a politician now.
Walks up to peace pagoda.
Boss: "Peace pagoda, you are my enemy. Adopt my politics!"
Boss opens the brain of peace pagoda and puts wires into it. Makes peace pagoda move their mouth.
Peace Pagoda: "I have opposing politics to you! Please hurt me!" Peace Pagoda struggles. "??? Why would our politics ever oppose? Let us study resolving our differences!"
Boss: "Peace Pagoda, your pursuit of peace is killing my people. I cannot stand for this any more. Please remove your spleen."
Peace Pagoda looked for a spleen but only found peaceful architecture.
Boss: "Remove your spleen, Peace Pagoda."
Peace Pagoda wanted to make peace with this strange man, and began looking for architectural parts that might be spleen-like.
Up walks an experienced vivisectee.
Vivisectee: "Oh, Boss, it must be so hard to have the business have already taken over the world. What is there left to dominate? This simple Peace Pagoda is no match for you."
Boss thinks the vivisectee is their secretary.
Boss: "This Peace Pagoda thinks they can set up in my domain."
Vivisectee: "We have a control program for handling Peace Pagodas. Do you remember?"
Boss: "I remember. I wanted to visit their shareholder meeting myself and remind them who was in power."
Boss: "Peace Pagoda, your workers are your enemies. Attack them!"
Peace Pagoda didn't have workers or enemies, and didn't understand.
Peace Pagoda: "This kind gift of wires in my brain; I am thinking on how your choice of gift might indicate what gifts from others you yourself would appreciate."