here's the last draft doc that reached github:

# for designing an interface of system simulation

# a simple system where some property is a function of time.

# goal 1: user has access to a state containing a number, and can produce
#         another state based on a time change from the first
#         number = constant * time

# goal 2: model user in a way that can be simulated, to mutate
#         the constant. the simulation can be simply a uniform
#         distribution of chance of change.

# goal 3: simulate a single timeline, letting the user move along it arbitrarily,
#         using the user's model of behavior to predict state.

# goal 4: simulate multiple timelines, with an interface as to whether to bind
#         actions to one or spawn a new one.  be nice to have that be a float
#         probability of binding.

# note: user and sim could share the same interface for predicting state given environment and time
# note: user and number could both be equal peers

# design choices/ideas:
    # - update functions take new time, not time change.  expected to be more refactorable if need.