Perhaps they sense a widespread manipulation leading to a crash on price us afoot. 

On Thu, Apr 2, 2020, 12:57 AM Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
In a most interesting turn of events:

  Why Did Russia Just Halt Domestic Gold Purchases?

      .. "Since April 1, 2020, the Bank of Russia has suspended the purchase of gold in the domestic precious metals market.

      .. This would have a manifold benefit by helping enable increased ownership of physical precious metals around the world, and potentially supporting the case for more de-dollarization.

      .. Given the huge physical premiums in precious metals (and a plunge in crude profits for the nation), it would make sense to enable producers to sell into global markets at a sizable profit

      What will [current Russian gold reserves of] $120 billion (at current prices) be worth when the dollar dies?

Interesting times...