That report of a room-temp, ambient pressure superconductor is amazing
On Wed, Jul 26, 2023 at 2:52 PM, grarpamp<> wrote:Superconductors, Aliens, AI, Genetic Compilers, Quantum... Singularity.For the first time in the world, we succeeded in synthesizingthe room-temperature superconductor (Tc 400 K, 127 oC)working at ambient pressure with a modified lead-apatite (LK-99) structure.A material called LK-99®, a modified-lead apatite crystal structure withthe composition (Pb10-xCux(PO4)6O (0.9<x<1.1)), has been synthesizedusing the solid-state method. The material exhibits the Ohmic metalcharacteristic of Pb(6s1) above its superconducting critical temperature,Tc, and the levitation phenomenon as Meissner effect of a superconductorat room temperature and atmospheric pressure below Tc.Alex Kaplan @alexkaplan0Making frozen coffee @cometeer Prev @PrincetonPhysAlex Kaplan @alexkaplan017hToday might have seen the biggest physics discovery of my lifetime. Idon't think people fully grasp the implications of an ambienttemperature / pressure superconductor. Here's how it could totallychange our lives.1,80916,0333,67189,533Alex Kaplan @alexkaplan04mThe more I read this the more bullish I get. Kim really believes andis just out there saying go try it. There is something here for sureAte-a-Pi @8teAPi1hIt’s real. He’s putting his name on the line. Basically saying thepapers are crap, the team has infighting.. probably over credit. The 3man paper hit arxiv 2.5 hours before the 6 author paper. He’ll assistother groups in verifying. He’s on…112Alex Kaplan @alexkaplan013mThe option space here is very wide. We have an extremely roughunderstanding of High Tc superconductivity in cuprate-like lattices.It is fully possible we are seeing new physics (albeit shoddilyconducted/hastily published) that doesn't exactly match previousmaterials.2115Alex Kaplan retweetedAnatoly Vorobey @avorobey4hReplying to @alexkaplan01574Alex Kaplan retweetedAlex Kaplan @alexkaplan023mReplying to @alexkaplan0 @condensed_the @sandersted @jjaron @Dereklowe@mattwridley @kchangnyt @DrCarpinetiSounds like serious drama btw Kim and the other researchers. He wasleft off the 3 person paper, uploaded 2 hrs earlier. Doesn'tinvalidate results - if anything makes it seem like they care evenmore?Ate-a-Pi @8teAPi1hIt’s real. He’s putting his name on the line. Basically saying thepapers are crap, the team has infighting.. probably over credit. The 3man paper hit arxiv 2.5 hours before the 6 author paper. He’ll assistother groups in verifying. He’s on…17Show this threadAlex Kaplan @alexkaplan047mReplying to @alexkaplan0 @condensed_the @sandersted @jjaron @Dereklowe@mattwridley @kchangnytcautious excitement from @DrCarpineti…First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor Achieved, ClaimScientistsSomeone with a lab please try to reproduce these results so we know ifwe should pop the champagne.iflscience.com1313Show this threadAlex Kaplan @alexkaplan048mReplying to @alexkaplan0 @condensed_the @sandersted @jjaron @Dereklowe@mattwridley@kchangnyt discusses a lot of failed superconductor research alongwith the recent paper here. Not sure I agree with the framing, this ispretty different…A Looming Retraction Casts a Shadow Over a Field of PhysicsMisconduct allegations are leading scientists to question the work ofRanga Dias, including his claimed discovery of a room-temperaturesuperconductor.nytimes.com19Show this threadAlex Kaplan @alexkaplan052mReplying to @alexkaplan0 @condensed_the @sandersted @jjaron @Dereklowereasonable skepticism from @mattwridley…Why I’m sceptical about a superconductor breakthroughA team of South Korean scientists has pre-printed a paper assertingthat they have achieved superconductivity at room temperature andatmospheric pressure. The paper has led to widespread this threadAlex Kaplan @alexkaplan01hIf I had to pick one, it'd be something like @VEIR_Grid. Commercialpower transmission on short distances for very high value delivery.Use it as a wedge to build experience in transmission and buildtowards interregional, interstate, nationwide, with IRA funding.4Show this threadAlex Kaplan @alexkaplan01hTAM is very hard to know across sectors, but certainly venture-scaleacross infrastructure, medicine, science tooling (a whole new LHC?),and QC. Probably have to partner with someone deep in the field for anunderstanding of the business cases.23Show this threadAlex Kaplan @alexkaplan01hThe easiest thing to start is a shopify storefront like this one I gotRBCO disks for my birthday from. @harleyf what do you think? You dothe branding, I do the supply? If you can get access to a vacuum,should be easy to make. CC @andrewmccalip13Show this threadAlex Kaplan @alexkaplan01hCommercial-scale integrations will likely take major rearchitecting ofexisting transmission/power electronics. I don't see factoriesinstalling LK-99 before EOY. That's where the money is at scale, butpotentially some moats in B2B access/rolodex.13Show this threadAlex Kaplan @alexkaplan01hHere is how I would spend the replication interregnum as anentrepreneur. First what are going to be the binding earlyconstraints? Production of material will be shoddy and inconsistentuntil better methods developed, but demand will be high.1110Show this threadAlex Kaplan retweetedSeth Rosenberg @SethGRosenberg1hReplying to @alexkaplan0 @alexkaplanCheers…Scientists might have made the ‘biggest physics discovery of alifetime’ – or notBreakthrough would mark ‘holy grails of modern physics, unlockingmajor new developments in energy, transportation, healthcare, andcommunications’ – but it is a long way from being Kaplan retweetedDouglas Natelson @NanoscaleViews1hReplying to @alexkaplan0Yeah, and really big diamagnetism could be weird and interesting.117Alex Kaplan @alexkaplan01hIf I were to guess what's going on, it's that fig. 4.a is just sloppylike the rest of that paper and they forgot the to add the S.I.notation13Show this threadAlex Kaplan @alexkaplan01hReplying to @alexkaplan0 @NanoscaleViewsThese are figures 4a in arxiv:2307.12037 and 1d in arxiv:2307.12008,respectively15Show this threadAlex Kaplan @alexkaplan01hReplying to @alexkaplan0 @condensed_the @sandersted @jjaronthe plot thickensAlex Kaplan @alexkaplan01hThis is the first serious flaw I have seen investigated in the pair ofpapers. There is a difference by a factor of 7,500 between these twootherwise similar graphs. These show both results 36x more diamagneticthan graphite and crudely mislabelled axes. All cred @NanoscaleViewsShow this thread2112Show this threadAlex Kaplan @alexkaplan01hThis is the first serious flaw I have seen investigated in the pair ofpapers. There is a difference by a factor of 7,500 between these twootherwise similar graphs. These show both results 36x more diamagneticthan graphite and crudely mislabelled axes. All cred @NanoscaleViewsDouglas Natelson @NanoscaleViews2h1/8 A thread on magnetic susceptibility data in the papers of themoment. Magnetic susceptibility tells us about how much magnetizationM (mag moment per volume) a material develops when placed in amagnetic field H. \chi = dM/dH. Annoyingly, cgs and SI units aredifferent.Show this thread3346Show this threadAlex Kaplan @alexkaplan02hReplying to @alexkaplan0 @condensed_the @sandersted@jjaron with a few quotes in new scientistJacob Aron @jjaron2hHello to new followers - here's the story you've been waiting…19Show this threadLoad more