Evil thrives where good men do nothing. Consider to stop blaming and choose a way, a path, a hashtag, a truth you can be confident to never shift ground on. #ByMyConscience #OurWillBeDone #IButterfly #InfinityBeckons #BeCauseAmidstChaos #NeverShiftGround However and whatever you, personally, choose to express in this life, in this world, just make it real for you, make it possible and likely you can be that voice of resonance which sings to your own heart, your most solid unshakable truth. Let no man between you and God. #NoneBetween #NeverShiftGround (But for sure, be on solid ground first :D )
--- What is a magapede?
In truth, you are the primary authority on what you are, how you choose to interact with "the world".
There are 435 voting congressional districts in the United States House of Representatives,[1], and the population of the districts ranges from 530,000 (Rhode Island's two districts) to 1,070,000 in Montana's state-wide district, with an average population of 710,000 people in 2010.[2] In addition to 435 congressional districts, the five inhabited U.S. territories and the federal district of Washington, D.C. each send a non-voting delegate to the House of Representatives. The Census Bureau within the United States Department of Commerce conducts a decennial census whose figures are used to determine the number of Representatives that each state sends to Congress, and therefore the number of congressional districts within each state. The borders of those districts are set by the states, and within each state all districts are required to have approximately equal populations (see Wesberry v. Sanders). The 2012 elections were the first to be based on the congressional districts which were defined based on the 2010 Census data.[3]
So there are 435 districts "up for grabs".
Literally 435 seats of the lower house (house of reps) to be contested.
#100+435 or #200+870 (you NEED backup, running mate, moral support etc.)
#EverySenateEveryAssembly -- DO the same in every US state legislature
What is a MagaPede?
#DistributedAuthority #ByMyConscience
#IButterfly , #FlapIt .. #FlapItGood ... #FlapItRealGood
#RedBlueOwnIt #OwnRedOwnBlue