Does anyone have information about the development of electric batteries?
We live in a world of electricity and the increase in battery power directly affects our future. Tesla, smartphones and quadrocopters (including flying taxis) All this is happening here and now. microsd 2 TB... The world uses digital coins...
Bitcoin will go into the category of rarity either before or a little after the end of the issue. Bitcoin keys will be sold as NFT. But given his anonymity and growing sidechains, he will remain in demand. But one of the most common world coins will be Chia. It is very interesting when there will be miners for electric cars, quadrocopters and smartphones? microsd for 2 tb...it is already possible to connect to the mining pool. Algorithms such as proof of stake are not designed for decentralization and mass character. And bitcoin has not been decentralized for a long time. It is saved only by infusions of funds, resources that accept payment in it, as well as thanks to Satoshi and Wei as pioneers in the world of cryptocurrencies. In 10 years...this will be the world of Chia and Bitcoin.
Does anyone have information about the development of chia miners for smartphones and Tesla?