On 01/04/2020 10:20 PM, Punk-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
On Sat, 4 Jan 2020 21:51:45 -0700 Mirimir <mirimir@riseup.net> wrote:
On 01/04/2020 09:07 PM, Punk-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
On Sat, 4 Jan 2020 20:29:58 -0700 Mirimir <mirimir@riseup.net> wrote:
On 01/04/2020 08:02 PM, Razer wrote:
I'd say Trump and the Pentagon officials who ok-ed the operation committed treason by illegally endangering Americans.
That's what I said about 9/11. Not that it made me very popular.
likewise, how did the US military bombing of the so called 'world trade center' affect the interests of goldman-sachs, isreal and the rest of US govcorp? Those interests were of course very greatly advanced by the 9/11 false flag attack. Again, there isn't any act of treason in sight.
you're welcome =)
The false flag explanation is way too contrived and implausible.
For one thing, there's just too much evidence that implicates al-Qaeda.
if by evidence you mean more pentagon propaganda then yes, I agree =)
That's possible, I agree. I just don't think that it's as likely.
And yes, I know that al-Qaeda started out as a CIA operation. But it seems more likely that they went rogue. Although it is possible that the CIA did 9/11, as part of some bizarre power struggle -- or yes, a false flag. But more likely the Sauds or close friends were behind it, and just not funding it as part of their fundamentalist education network.
but aren't the saudis allegedly close to the US government? (meaning, it's even less plausible that the US govt didn't know what their accomplices were planning)
Saudi Arabia and Israel are the major US assets in the Middle East. But I think that it's misleading to call them "close". They've both had the US by the balls since WWII at least. The Saudis because oil, and the Israelis because so many politically active and wealthy Jews in the US. So it's a cluster fuck, with everyone playing everyone else. And it's suspicious that Israel is "closer" to Saudi Arabia than to any other country in the area. But I have no clue what that's about. Also, none of these countries are monolithic. And it's possible that some factions from all three allied to do 9/11 as a pretext for more fuckery in the Middle East. Given that the Soviet Union had collapsed, and Russia was in chaos, and they needed major enemies to justify their funding and influence.
I saw it as well deserved payback for at least a century of fucking with other countries. While playing a world cop in a white hat. And I was like "Hey, suck it up! You just lost a few damn buildings that hardly anyone ever really liked.
A century of fucking with other countries. Plus the previous century of slavery and fuckign with other countries and invading what today passes as the 'US', etc. As far as payback goes it was well deserved but the amount was ridiculously small. So the amount of damage doesn't really count as payback but on the other hand it was the perfect excuse for the current US global surveillance state...
Yeah, centuries of fucking. "US out of North America now!" and all that. And yeah, it was a perfect excuse for the US to reassert world dominance. However, doing an outright false flag is simplistic and crude, and risky if it comes out. It's much better to manipulate your enemies to do stuff that provides the excuse. An "indirect false flag". I mean, it's arguable that the US manipulated Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor. Or earlier, manipulated Germany into sinking US shipping in WWI, which provided the pretext to join the war. It's all about building public support for a war. Selling it as defense, not aggression.
I mean, the US is the only country that has ever used nuclear weapons on heavily populated areas. And with the USSR, threatened the world with nuclear holocaust for several decades. Not to mention displacing Great Britain in the Middle East after WWII, and totally fucking shit up.
And yes, I agree with Razer that the Bush administration screwed the pooch. By ignoring evidence that the attacks were immanent.
half by chance I found this
'Tarragó and Va agreed to accept at least $2 million from undercover agents who purported to be narcotics traffickers."
"Tarragó and Va traveled to New Jersey and Florida on several occasions and accepted about $800,000 in cash from the purported drug traffickers."
I actually found the news here
the spanish version is more detailed and it makes it clear that the retarded politician from paraguay and the US pigs engaged in 'money laundering'. Point being, the wholy typical modus operandi of the US govt is conceptually the same as a 'false flag'. The US govt invents 'criminals' and then 'catches' them.
just another sample from the time greenwalwd pretended to be decent
The FBI again thwarts its own Terror plot https://www.salon.com/2011/09/29/fbi_terror/
Yes, they do that a lot.