On 12/14/15, jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
One ostensible 'disproof' of the moon landing was the claim that the video camera didn't show any stars in the moon's sky. However, the scenery seen in those shots (lunar soil; equipment; astronauts) was extremely bright, somewhat like a beach in full sunlight. The contrast ratios of (non-silicon) video pickup tubes in that era were not wide, meaning that any star in the sky (other than the sun) couldn't be visible AND show the backgrounds too.
Perhaps we can encourage the Russkies in their 2030 moon landing, to take up the same cameras that were (supposedly) used to take those shots, and re-take those shots. You know, to finally get an indisputable definitive answer, since a photo would, you know, provide that and all... :) Z