Excuse me while a cough, but dang, gettin' funny as bro, funny as :) Who woulda though Netanyahu would start front running Trump's summit with Putin? MSM head-splondins all over the place too. Grab some pop corn by the bucket, hey? Zerowedgie at its finest: Neocons Panic As Trump-Putin Meeting Could Mark Close Of Syrian Proxy War https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-07-13/neocons-panic-trump-putin-meeting-... Netanyahu: “We haven't had a problem with the Assad regime, for 40 years not a single bullet was fired on the Golan Heights.” Well dang! Get the outta here… That of course sent Lindsey Graham's head exploding: Haaretz: Graham: "Without Assad’s blessing, the flags of Hezbollah and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard would not be on Israel’s front door" McCain: "Putin is our enemy" Kagan-led neocon think tank ISW is outraged! Eli Lake laments the potential of the Obama main regime change wars winding down: this is "some alternate universe ... the most dangerous possible outcome" Netanyahu: "Israel did not object to President Bashar al-Assad’s regaining control over all of Syria" NYT: “a willingness to accept Mr. Assad’s resumption of control over all of Syria is no small concession,” said Amos Yadlin, a former chief of Israeli military intelligence President Assad has long vowed to liberate "every inch" of sovereign Syrian territory, something which but two years ago appeared impossible, yet which now looks increasingly inevitable. ...Precisely this scenario occurred just days after President Trump declared in the last week of March of this year that he wanted a complete US military pullout from Syria. What then immediately followed was the April 7 "chemical attack" provocation in Douma — just the thing that brought Trump's planned pullout to a grinding halt, instead resulting tomahawk missiles unleashed on Damascus.