Please Know that I Care ..I have NO computer skills that I did not copy or follow Anthony P. Though he is gone I hope to get to know those who would bother with a Green Horn... I wanted you to know I stand With the freedom  loving service especially as the tracks are going in as everything is dependent on levels of the global code dances and where important stories are given time to develop.  I once had just One Date with a tall handsome security dud who told me, his face so close to my nose, that I could feel the warmth of his breath, " I did a full search to see if you were real". Imagine what I was thinking as I slide back in my chair and lifted my single malt small island scotch.
I might not have computer language skills but I am one of you.  I never spoke up before but doing this is part of my grieving process. If there is a true kind person who might give me a helping hand with my privacy needs, find a way to let me know. 
I just wanted to say ...Happy season of the  time to rest and party no matter what your core stories are, I am so glad You Are All Here and I have been lucky to read and sometimes act on what you are talking about... yea, run on sentence...

Have any of y'all written a book?  I am working on an autobiography, anyone know good editors or agents and so forth?
Somewhere beyond a dream, with..
Respect and Gratitude, Smile

Ilsa Bartlett
Institute for Rewiring the System

"Don't ever get so big or important that you can not hear and listen to every other person."
-John Coltrane

On Tue, Dec 26, 2017 at 3:30 PM, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
On Tue, Dec 26, 2017 at 09:27:58AM -0800, wrote:
> Does anyone have an option about how the things going on today? Any
> explanations of the current state of the Internet communities?

Bitcoin fever.

The anarchists who are not so besotten with greed, actually conceive,
and create.

The so besotten clamour and cling, ride waves of profit for their
personal foundations of greed, lust, glory and the rest.

And so the few who actually care, who sought (some still seek) a
genuinely "better" future, are drowned out in the deluge of human
foibles - and right now those foibles are turbocharged with $20,000
per coin "inspiration".

Cést la humanité.

> And what is your recommendation of a good online fourm for general
> discussion of freedom, security and privacy?

Right here.

Those other lists are censored.

If you genuinely have genuine interest, there's a few ’round these
parts that'll chime in and help set your misthoughts straight (at
least, on the technical side :) - for everything else, there's
Mircard :D