


IF. IF. if. IF. IF. IF.



traffick boss and 2 wobblygooks stand by a burning crater full of bubbling lava

it’s big. really big.




put idea together, breaks apart


counting traffick boss
traffick boss is dressed like a Count (dracula coat), to help people with small numbers

many traffick bosses

1 traffick boss
2 traffick bosses
3 traffick bosses wearing coats with high collars
4 traffick bosses
5 counts named traffick boss
6 smiling friendly dangerous traffick bosses
7 traffick bosses with legs stuck in toilet bowls
8 traffick bossss
9 traffick bosses
10 murderous traffick bosses tripping over banana peels
11 embarrassed imprisoned traffick bosses
12 traffick bosses, all in prison, harmless
13 traffick bosses with high count collars
14 traffick bosses
15 traffick bosses talking about mind control from prison
16 traffick bosses smirking at mind control victims acting confused
17 traffick bosses, some in prison, others still going there
18 scary traffick bosses that are just really really frightening
19 traffick bosses that feel really scary, really really scary
20 traffick bosses that have relaxed and talk about being a traffick boss but then stimulate problems when doing so
21 traffick bosses
22 count traffick bosses
23 traffick bosses that have handled these problems and keep talking
24 traffick bosses with time machines known as old age
25 traffick bosses
26 count traffick boss
27 count traffick bosses

traffick boss keeps counting, trying to keep track of how complicated the world is
some of the people counted weren’t actually traffick bosses, just people

28 traffick boss with high collar
29 high collared traffick bosses

it was just a traffick boss i guess
just a trafficking boss
scary :S but just ! :)
confusing T_T

30 just a traffick bosses
31 just a traffick boss
32 just a traffick boss
33 trafficked people, acting for a traffick boss


34 real world slavers wearing high collars
35 real world slavers
36 slavers, unsure what to do

so it was a slaver?
 yeah why do you say it
unsure what to do :S
hard to saythink. hard.

37 slavers, all locked in prison
38 slavers with 200-year prison sentences
39 slavers logged and monitored in prison
40 slavers all in deep prison
41 imprisoned slavers
42 slavers all slapped in prison for slaving at all ever
43 imprisoned slavers
44 imprisoned slavers
45 imprisoned slavers :)

maybe unsure :S

(i think they arewere just trying hard _because_ 200-years-in-prison.