Well, well, well. So the Jews invented PC-speech - political correct speech, or to use their Rabbinical tradition, the building of fences around fences around prohibitions, to make damn sure that no one breaks the original statute (Rabbinical prohibition) That is, they gotta plug the holes in that fence, or eventually the next inner fence might have someone climbing over it or breaking through it (unintentionally of course, since the "chosen ones" are so holy and pure <caugh caugh>) and ultimately then break the original Jewish, Toranic, or Rabbinical prohibition statute - because Jewish law is the only thing in the world with any value, of course <ahem!>. ("Chosen ones?" - don't worry, their contract is now broken and the world is about to shift.) For example: - pronouncing the original name of God - YHWH or Yahweh - only permitted by the most high Rabbi in the rebuilt temple - which hasn't happened for a couple thousand years, so The Name (of God) is used instead ever since, and since The Name became such a connotation of the holy one, many euphemisms, or fences, and fences around fences (euphemisms to refer to previous euphemisms) have been created over the millenia to refer to The Name Why? Because even you dare to utter "The Name" in a reference to God, you might be tempted to actually speak "Yahweh" and thus, by you lowly evil sin, defile the name of God - I guess they can't say that you'd defile God, since God/YHWH is of course omnipotent and perfect and therefore can never be defiled, but logic never seemed to be the strongest attribute of the power-wielding "elite" in society. This game is of course an endless and unstoppable cycle for Jews - putting themselves lower and lower into the dirt and away from Godliness (only such original sinners could be so lowly as to not even be permitted to refer to some euphemism which referred to some euphemism (ad infinitum) which eventually lead back to a reference to the name of God). Although one should probably presume that -some- Jews do this ridiculous linguistic self deprecation dance in "true piousness", I dare say there are some fundamentally egotistical "I'm so holy I don't even use the euphemism of the euphemism of the ... of the reference to The Name (of God)" twats - and effectively indulge their human idiocy (sins) without realizing it and thereby live the presumption of incredibly low and evil self ungodliness and thereby ultimately be an incompetent who excuses evil and proclaims the moral relativism of every possible action. Hell, I should know - I'm so humble even the Dalai Llama attends an hour of my personal humility class when he's feeling a little egotistical. Anyway, so Jesus came along, threw the globalists, sorry, I mean European style socialists - ok, I mean Jewish money changer bankers - out of the temple, dispensed with the 613 (or 620) Jewish Rabbinical laws and (re)instituted the Golden Rule (do unto others as you would have them do unto you, or Love thy Neighbour, as Levicitus would lead us). BUT, that's a problem for Jews, since Jesus threw out the statute (Rabbinical) law - "go first within, for therein is the kingdom of heaven". Or in modern terms, find your own authority within yourself already. Is there any wonder this rebel was strung up on a cross and blead to death? He rocked the establishment and bypassed the hierarchy, washed a woman's feet and preached (did anything) on the sabbath, so "shut it down" already! Create your world folks, ----- Forwarded message from Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> ----- Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2018 12:19:36 +1100 Subject: using the J word Hi guys, this is an article by a Jewish author, who encourages us to avoid using euphemisms for "Jew", since using euphemisms in this case demonstrates fear of using the word "Jew". https://russia-insider.com/en/lets-call-jews-jews-and-not-use-silly-euphemisms-globalist/ri22895?ct=t(Russia_Insider_Daily_Headlines11_21_2014)&mc_cid=9d7cc32add&mc_eid=5110f4b440 Let's Call Jews 'Jews', and Not Use Silly Euphemisms Like 'Globalist' ----- End forwarded message -----