Post links to what you're quoting but I already did
1 2 No, you did not post link 3 for people in that message 2, nor did you header thread msg 2, or put link 1 in body of msg 2, thus pointing back to the prior msg 1, or facilitate mail clients [a]. Just like jackass Rat, your games with unrelated subjects, abusing on random peoples names, nonthreading, unreferenced quotes, and general assholery towards other human beings, etc, are all unnecessary and don't help people figure out or endear them whatever the fuck you're trying to say. Grow up. And stop abusing people. 3 The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health
Surely a fine book. You can send the author some gold or crypto or give them goods or services or a thank you in support. However your cypherpunk distribution system is apparently broken... " Access from your host or network range is forbidden We continually monitor our log files for excessive or undesirable requests. Abusers and bots might be banned. " Nor do you appear to preserving and distributing archives of Mullis, Duesberg, Malone's, etc testimonies, linking any voluntary things, any crypto or gold or chicken models, etc. But are being general assholes, threatening and abusing people. That's lame. These same people decry bitchute etc, and ability to use own domains on "evil internet", both of which have not taken down such testimonies... as being garbage, that are both actually one of the few remaining places people can go to find the stuff these decriers are talking about, thus shooting down people's ability to see the stuff. At least until people start making better cypherpunk overlay networks running files and social and coins, and building P2P RF/fiber meshnets around the globe. Which these decriers are apparently not doing either. Nihilists are boring, die already, you're going to anyways, lol.
when I say vaccine nazis I mean
Oh please. Sure what planet full of "nazis" is doing is fucked up. But other than people, like apparently D.Barrett here, who are part and parcel in all that grand politic-of-force, nobody here of any voluntaryism principle will be forcibly injecting anyone. Jim made the free choice to get the vax, and whether or not that choice was result of GovCorpPoliticalPropaganda [b] influencing his decision, he has *not* indicated that he was forcibly held down and injected, presently threatened with loss of anything including job or movement, fined or jailed, subject to massive undue peer/familial pressure, marched on and harassed or worse by jackbooted "protestors", etc. So while the planet is definitely trending that way towards more sick global regimes of force, etc, since years, which people must indeed fight back against, it still appears to have been his free choice, and he's not forcing vax into people either. So leave Jim the fuck alone about his choices for himself. Instead, cypherpunks should be ensuring that books such as the above are always available via creating uncensorable, unowned, and fully distributed file and social networks. That way anyone might come across, or be able to easily find, things that counter such propaganda-force-politic, and that instead model and advocate for actual freedom, humanity without GovPol rulers and their mindscams and force. Whatever people want to do in their own medical health life is up to them... you want to lockdown yourself at home strap on a mask sit on the toilet and inject sweet vax in your arm, go ahead, that's your free choice. You want to drink a vat of "science's" "Coronavirus", that's your free choice too. Want to do something else, or nothing at all, that's your free choice. Just don't go around forcing other people to do shit. And quit accepting others force over you to do shit. End of story. [a] No mailers don't autothread or sort on partial substrings like "ennedy vs " or " vaccine nazis" in subject lines, so don't even try to make that argument either. [b] Hopefully world will wake up and see just how much of that nefarious bullshit is in it, and then remove it, permanently. So far the world is still bashing "conspiracy theories and theorists", a lot of which and whom have proven to be entirely correct. And GovCorp is exposing itself even more plainly for all to see with Corona, lots of proofs available in every single days worth of news. Open your eyes. Wake up. Fight back.