Can anyone poke a hole in my logic for any of the possibilities, or come up with alternate potential faker (again, if it is fake, only the possibility has been demonstrated) or alternate motives? 

"For the lols" is one such possibility as coderman points out. That motive could be tacked onto most of the potential fakers, but it does also sound like something a small group of "anons" might do. Unfortunately that category is so wide (potentially everyone on Earth) and it's a suspicion based on a stereotype, so I'm not sure if or how to follow-up with it. 

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 6:31 PM, coderman <> wrote:
On 10/10/15, Michael Best <> wrote:
> Here's my preliminary list of potential reasons for faking a GCHQ
> slide...

Michael one additional reason is amusement.
 for example, QUANTUM SQUIRREL [0] which is fuckin' lol

best regards,
 and chortle onward!

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