Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) has become the de facto standard for protecting modern communications. ECC is widely used to
perform asymmetric cryptography operations, such as to establish shared
secrets or for digital signatures. However, insufficient validation of
public keys and parameters is still a frequent cause of confusion,
leading to serious vulnerabilities, such as leakage of secret keys,
signature malleability or interoperability issues.
The purpose of this blog post is to provide an illustrated
description of the typical failures related to elliptic curve validation
and how to avoid them in a clear and accessible way. Even though a
number of standards1,2 mandate these checks, implementations frequently fail to perform them.
While this blog post describes some of the necessary concepts behind
elliptic curve arithmetic and cryptographic protocols, it does not cover
elliptic curve cryptography in detail, which has already been done
extensively. The following blog posts are good resources on the topic: A (Relatively Easy To Understand) Primer on Elliptic Curve Cryptography by Nick Sullivan and Elliptic Curve Cryptography: a gentle introduction by Andrea Corbellini.
In elliptic curve cryptography, public keys are frequently sent between parties, for example to establish shared secrets using Elliptic curve Diffie–Hellman (ECDH).
The goal of public key validation is to ensure that keys are legitimate
(by providing assurance that there is an existing, associated private
key) and to circumvent attacks leading to the leakage of some
information about the private key of a legitimate user.
Issues related to public key validation seem to routinely occur in
two general areas. First, transmitting public keys using digital
communication requires to convert them to bytes. However, converting
these bytes back to an elliptic curve point is a common source of
issues, notably due to canonicalization.
Second, once public keys have been decoded, some mathematical
subtleties of the elliptic curve operations may also lead to different
types of attacks. We will discuss these subtleties in the remainder of
this blog post.
In general3, vulnerabilities may arise when applications fail to check that:
Elliptic curves are curves given by an equation of the form (called short Weierstrass form). Elliptic curve cryptography deals with the group of points on that elliptic curve, namely, a set of
values satisfying the curve equation.
These values, called coordinates (more specifically, affine coordinates), are defined over a field. For use in Cryptography, we work with coordinates defined over a finite field. For the purpose of this blog post, we will concentrate our efforts on the field of integers modulo , with
a prime number (and
), which we call the field modulus. Elements of this field can take any value between
. In the following figure, the white squares depict valid field
elements while grey squares represent the elements that are larger than
the field modulus.
Mathematically, a value larger than the field modulus is equivalent to its reduced form (that is, in the to
range, see congruence classes), but in practice these ambiguities may lead to complex issues4.
In ECC, a public key is simply a point on the curve. Since curve
points are generally first encoded to byte arrays before being
transmitted, the first step when receiving an encoded curve point is to
decode it. This is what we identified earlier as the first area of
confusion and potential source of vulnerabilities. Specifically, what
happens when the integer representation of the coordinates we decoded
are larger than the field modulus?
This is the first common source of issues and the reason for our first validation rules:
Check that the point coordinates are lower than the field modulus.
What can go wrong? If the recipient does not enforce
that coordinates are lower than the field modulus, some elliptic curve
point operations may be incorrectly computed. Additionally, different
implementations may have diverging interpretations of the validity of a
point, possibly leading to interoperability issues, which can be a
critical issue in consensus-driven deployments.
In the figure below, this means that the point coordinates should be rejected if they are not in the white area in the bi-dimensional plane.
Since both coordinates are elements of this finite field, it
might seem that an elliptic curve point could theoretically take any
value in the white area above. However, not all pairs of values in this plane are valid curve points; remember that they need to satisfy the curve equation
in order to be on the curve. We represent the valid curve point in blue in the figure below5. The number of points on the curve is referred to as the curve order.
This is another common source of issues and where our second validation rule arises:
Check that the point coordinates correspond to a valid curve point (i.e. that the coordinates satisfy the curve equation).
What can go wrong? If the recipient of a public key
fails to verify that the point is on the curve, an attacker may be able
to perform a so-called invalid curve attack6. Some point operations being independent of the value of in the elliptic curve equation, a malicious peer may carefully select a different curve (by varying the value of
in which the security is reduced (namely, the discrete logarithm
problem is easier than on the original curve). By then sending a point
on that new curve (and provided the legitimate peer fails to verify that
the point coordinates satisfy the curve equation), the attacker may
eventually recover the legitimate peer’s secret.
In practice, curve points are rarely sent as pairs of coordinates, which we call uncompressed. Indeed, the -coordinate can be recovered by solving the curve equation for a given
, which is why point compression was developed. Point compression reduces the amount of data to be
transmitted by (almost) half, at the cost of a few more operations
necessary to solve the curve equation. However, solving the equation for
a given
may have different outcomes. It can either result in:
Hence, when compressing a point, an additional byte of data is used to distinguish the correct -coordinate. Specifically, point encoding (following Section 2.3.3 of SEC 1, works by prepending a byte to the coordinate(s) specifying which encoding rule is used, as follows:
0x02 || x
if y is even and 0x03 || x
if y is odd;0x04 || x || y
.7Any other value for the first byte should result in the curve point
being ignored. Point compression has a significant benefit in that it
ensures that the point is on the curve, since in case there is no
solution, implementation should reject the point.
Now, the careful reader may have realized that the set of points
in the figure above is incomplete. In order for this set to form a group
(in the mathematical sense), and be useful in cryptography, it needs to be supplemented with an additional element, the point at infinity. This point, also called neutral element or additive identity, is the element such that for any point
on our elliptic curve,
The figure below shows the previous set of points on our arbitrary
curve with the addition of the point at infinity, which we
(artificially) positioned slightly outside our plane, in the bottom left
Since the point at infinity is not on the curve, it does not have well-defined and
coordinates like other curve points. As such, its representation had to be constructed artificially8. Standards (such as SEC 1: Elliptic Curve Cryptography)
define the encoding of the point at infinity to be a single octet of
value zero. Confusingly, implementations sometimes also use other
encodings for the point at infinity, such as a number of zero bytes
equal to the size of the coordinates.
Implementations sometimes fail to properly distinguish the point at
infinity, and this is where our third validation rule comes from:
Check that the point is not the point at infinity.
What can go wrong? Since multiplying the point at
infinity by any scalar results in the point at infinity, an adversary
may force the result of a key agreement to be zero if the legitimate
recipient fails to check that the point received is not the point at
infinity. This goes against the principle of contributory behavior,
where some protocols require that both parties contribute to the
outcome of an operation such as a key exchange. Failure to enforce this
check may have additional negative consequences in other protocols.
Recall that the curve order, say ,
corresponds to the number of points on the curve. To make matters more
complicated, the group of points on an elliptic curve may be further
divided into multiple subgroups. Lagrange’s theorem tells us that any subgroup of the group of points on the elliptic curve
has an order dividing the order of the original group. Namely, the size
(i.e. the number of points) of every subgroup divides the total number
of points on the curve.
In cryptography, to ensure that the discrete logarithm problem is
hard, curves are selected in such a way that they consist of one
subgroup with large, prime order, say , in which all computations are performed. Some curves (such as the NIST curves9, or the curve secp256k110 used in bitcoin) were carefully designed such that
namely the prime order group in which we perform operations is the full
group of points on the elliptic curve. In contrast, the popular
Curve25519 has curve order
, which means that points on this curve can belong to the large prime-order subgroup of size
, or to a subgroup with a much smaller order, of size 2, 4 or 8, for example11. The value
such that
is called the cofactor,
it can be thought of as the ratio between the total number of points on
the curve and the size of the prime-order subgroup in which
cryptographic operations are performed.
To illustrate this notion, consider the figure below in which we have
further subdivided our fictitious set of elliptic curve points into two
groups. When performing operations on elliptic curve points, we want to
stick with operations on points in the larger, prime-order subgroup,
identified by the blue points below.
And this is where our last validation rule comes from:
Check that the point is in the correct subgroup.
This can be achieved by checking that .
Indeed, a consequence of Lagrange’s theorem is that any group element
multiplied by the order of that group is equal to the neutral element.
were in the small subgroup, multiplying it by
would not equal
This highlights another possible method for checking that the point
belongs to the correct subgroup; one could also check that
Contrary to the previous validation rules, this check is considerably
more expensive since it requires a point multiplication, and as such is
sometimes (detrimentally) skipped for efficiency purposes.
What can go wrong? A malicious party sending a point
in the orange subgroup, for example as part of an ECDH key agreement
protocol, would result in the honest party performing operations limited
to that small subgroup. Thus, if the recipient of a public key failed
to check that the point was in the correct subgroup, the attacker could
perform a so-called small subgroup attack (also known as subgroup confinement attacks) and learn information about the legitimate party’s private key12.
While the presentation above is fairly generic and applies in a general sense to all curves, some curves and associated constructions were created to prevent some of these issues by design.
These curves have a cofactor value of 1 (namely, ).
As such, there is only one large subgroup of prime order and all curve
points belong to that group. Hence, once the first 3 steps in our
validation procedure have been performed, the last step is superfluous.
Curve25519, proposed by Daniel J. Bernstein and specified in RFC 7748, is a popular curve which is notably used in TLS 1.3 for key agreement.
Although Curve25519 has a cofactor of 8, some functions using this
curve were designed to prevent cofactor-related issues. For example, the
X25519 function used to perform key agreement using Curve25519 mandates
specific checks and performs key agreement using only -coordinates, such that invalid curve attacks are avoided. Additionally, the governing RFC states in Section 5 that
Implementations MUST accept non-canonical values and process them as if they had been reduced modulo the field prime. The non-canonical values are 2^255 – 19 through 2^255 – 1 for X25519.
This seems to address most issues discussed in this post. However, there has been some debate13 over the claimed optional nature of these checks.
With the popularity of Curve25519 and the desire for cryptographers
to design more exotic protocols with it, the cofactor value of 8
resurfaced as a potential source of problems. Ristretto was designed as a solution to the cofactor pitfalls. Ristretto is an
abstraction layer, on top of Curve25519, which essentially restricts
curve points to a prime-order subgroup.
Finally, a strong contender in the secure-by-design curve category is the Double-Odd family of elliptic curves, recently proposed by Thomas Pornin. These
curves specify a strict and economical encoding, preventing issues with
canonicalization and, even though their cofactor is not trivial, a prime
order group is defined on them, similar in spirit to Ristretto’s
approach, preventing subgroup confinement attacks.
With the ubiquitous use of elliptic curve cryptography, failure to
validate elliptic curve points can be a critical issue which is sadly
still commonly uncovered during cryptography reviews. While standards
and academic publications provide ample directions to correctly validate
curve points, implementations still frequently fail to follow these
steps. For example, a vulnerability nicknamed Curveball was reported in January 2020, which allowed attacker to perform
spoofing attacks in Microsoft Windows by crafting public points.
Recently, we also uncovered a critical vulnerability in a number of
open-source ECDSA libraries, in which the verification function failed
to check that the signature was non-zero, allowing attackers to forge
signatures on arbitrary messages, see the technical advisory Arbitrary Signature Forgery in Stark Bank ECDSA Libraries.
This illustrated guide will hopefully serve as an accessible reference on why and how point validation should be performed.
The author would like to thank Eric Schorn and Giacomo Pope for their detailed review and helpful feedback.
defined in ANSI X9.62, but this format is very rarely used in practice.