oshwm wrote:
You're kidding us right? I haven't even read the contents of the site as its sat behind Cloudflare :D
I was going to check that. After all, the "Dear Putin" letter signing site that was created to ostensibly apologize to Vlad for all the terrible things the West says about him is hosted by cloudflare. I can hear echos of dunning voices from the hallowed halls of the House Un-American Activities Committee now. -- RR "You might want to ask an expert about that - I just fiddled around with mine until it worked...
What a great idea tho, how to validate your list of cranky privacy freaks for economic and political targetting - get them to go to a website via cloudlfare, collate identifying markers and crosscheck to other sites that go via Cloudflare and use it to profile and identify the real personas.
Maybe I just need a stronger tinfoil hat but this seems like a piss-take to me.
On 12/01/16 21:28, John Young wrote:
Sign the Letter to Secure the Internet
Via Henry Baker, Cryptography List