On 12/09/2017 03:16 PM, grarpamp wrote:
On Sat, Dec 9, 2017 at 6:22 AM, Georgi Guninski <guninski@guninski.com> wrote:
How does major malware outbreaks affect antivirus share price?
So you're asking why don't governments wipe out "terrorism"? Or why governments are the biggest terrorists?
No, I am not asking this.
They seem to work similarly...
1) Insert bad event 2) "Oh we'll save you, sheeple, just buy our stuff" 3) Profit for the saviour, overall loss for you 4) AV "protected" system gets hit again 5) Goto step 2
Then when users wake up and try to remove the infection they let fester, they find it's very hard and they have to shoot the fucking thing at more cost and risk...
Thank Bog and all His Holy Angels for the series of circumstances and events that made Linux available to casual idiots like myself... :o)