-------- Original message --------From: John Newman <jnn@synfin.org> Date: 8/15/18 3:54 AM (GMT-08:00) To: cypherpunks@lists.cpunks.org, grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com>, CypherPunks <cypherpunks@lists.cpunks.org> Subject: Re: Next Year's Federal Military budget over $700 billion. Is that a problem? On August 15, 2018 2:31:10 AM CDT, grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
There are some very wealthy early cryptocurrency anarcho OGs. Given a working crypto prediction market, them dropping a million for a solid prediction on when some cantalope will pop... a fun game for them. Any extra kicked in by the masses is just icing on the cake.
Does an AP market dominated by a bunch of the fucking ultra wealthy, whose interests I promise you do not align with yours, whatever sociopathic method they used to accrue their capital, even count as a functional AP market?
BTW, the US is well beyond bankrupt, search deficit and debt. That entire $700B, and more, could be seen as being funded by fake money.
That's only the tip of the shitberg (android does not try to correct that word btw). There's the Black Budget for all the dirty wars, destabilizations by proxy (chechen islamist bombing russian theaters... tsarnaev's family was involved in that covert operation), et al. But what should REALLY gall everyone, even true blue patriots is the fact that Congress told the Pentagon to stop supplying logistics like refueling aircraft and targeting intel to the school bus bombing Saudis fighting our proxy war in Yemen, and the pentagram said, in so many words, "Sorry Dave. I can't do that.", yet Congress never even hesitated to pass, or threaten to sequester funding one thin dime of the NDAA. RR