So this is Ron Unz at his best, cutting down America's "White Nationalism" movement (if you can even call it that) in a steady and clear, if long, couple of articles. It's not all doom and gloom, but highly pragmatic - any committed "white" nationalist is simply not serious if he is not at least reading Ron Unz to at least be remotely in the ball park of possibilities and North American political reality. Few can read this much these days since Ritalin (basically speed) has created the ADD generation, so with such long pieces, summaries may be the most useful thing to do if you want to see a realistic chance of slowing down immigration into the USA, which is at hisorically unprecedetedly high levels over the last few decades. Achieving your goals sometimes means doing a little work - yet, be thankful as Unz actually makes this work possible. Having read this first article, piece meal over the last 4 days or so, it was not easy going. But it is foundational, and fundamentally fact based: Immigration, Republicans, and the End of White America The sources of America’s immigration problems—and a possible solution Ron Unz • The American Conservative • September 19, 2011 • 12,200 Words https://www.unz.com/runz/immigration-republicans-and-the-end-of-white-americ... And once we're through that, the second from exactly a week ago, is the "9 year review" so to speak, and is set firmly in the context of today's Soros revolution unfolding in the USA. For all who consider a political consciousness to be relevant at all, we owe a great debt of gratitude to Ron Unz, who runs around doing some real myth busting "damage" and often takes the heat from all sides as a result, both the left and the right, the far left and the far right. The Political Bankruptcy of American White Nationalism Ron Unz • July 27, 2020 • 3,400 Words https://www.unz.com/runz/the-bankruptcy-of-american-white-nationalism/ Wanna surf those time tracks punk? That would require work... Peace yo, On Sun, Feb 09, 2020 at 10:51:38AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
We know the CIA's public record of coup's and assassinations is a real threat to social sanity, and there's a somewhat public record of CIA + Mossad cooperation. Ron Unz lays out just some of the Mossad side of the equation (now we know why Unz was being denigrated/ un-personed a few weeks back - someone had inside knowledge of what was coming down the pipeline):
Mossad's Bloody Trail of Assassinations of Leading Americans and Others Should Infuriate You - Another Ron Unz Bombshell Article https://russia-insider.com/en/history/mossads-bloody-trail-assassinations-le...
It looks like the Soleimani murder is just part of a decades long pattern, as American statecraft blends indistinguishably with Israel's penchant for the underhanded and bloody.
... "The sheer quantity of such foreign assassinations was really quite remarkable, with the knowledgeable reviewer in the New York Times suggesting that the Israeli total over the last half-century or so seemed far greater than that of any other nation."
"I might even go farther: if we excluded domestic killings, I wouldn’t be surprised if the body-count exceeded the combined total for that of all other major countries in the world. I think all the lurid revelations of lethal CIA or KGB Cold War assassination plots that I have seen discussed in newspaper articles might fit comfortably into just a chapter or two of Bergman’s extremely long book."
"The extent to which the agents of the Jewish state and its Zionist predecessor organizations have engaged in the most rampant international crime and violations of the accepted rules of warfare is really quite extraordinary, perhaps having few parallels in modern world history."