Hi everyone,
I'm working on the Movim project since 2008, our aim is to create a full social network on top of the XMPP protocol. As I see again, the guys of the Tox project are trying to reinvent the wheel… again. Now, to do IM, we have Skype, BBM, Line, WhatsApp, MSN, QQ, AIM, ICQ, IRC, XMPP, Facebook Messenger…
Same for the social networks as Davis said (PumpIO, TentIO…)
I really think that we need to focus on an existent standard and improve it, and for me XMPP seem to be the perfect protocol for all theses things :
- Standard IM + chatroom
- Video/Audio conferencing (with Jingle, we are using it with WebRTC on Movim)
- Pubsub (for newsfeeds, blogging)
- Geolocation
- Vcard4 support
- SASL2 authentication
- OTR support
- and so on…
XMPP can do a lot more than just IM, it's a full social-communication protocol it just need to be implemented, tested and debugged :)
On lun., juil. 7, 2014 at 6:00 , Dāvis Mosāns <davispuh@gmail.com> wrote: