Use it or lose it: Stormer, Volume 64: Censorship for the Frogs … France is quickly scrambling to implement a massive new Internet filtering system because of one single website, because it talks about the Jews. … No site that criticizes Christianity, Islam, or any Pagan faith has ever been subject to this level of censorship. It is despicable, criminal kikes that have sabotaged the free and open Internet. We have empirically proven that Jews are the sole parties in control of global Internet censorship. … A French court alleges that Démocratie Participative is the work of Boris le Lay. I have no idea if that is true or not, but to those unfamiliar with Boris, he fled France as a political dissident after the most bizarre and Orwellian series of prison sentences. He is a Breton, one of the best tribes of France today. His first prison sentence came down because of a video of a negro badly playing some kind of traditional music in his regional garb. In a sea of traitors from Marseille and Paris fawning over their pet nigger in the comments, his quiet rebellion was a simple statement of fact: “there is no such thing as a black celt.” RACIIIIIIIS!!!!! AAARAHHAHAHHHHGGGGGGGGGG! … The outrage from the Jews was palpable. For this small act he was --- sentenced to years in prison.--- Then he pointed out how the judge who sentenced him was black and questioned the impartiality and legitimacy of a foreign judge on a case like this. In return for this, --- he was sentenced to even more years in prison --- for contempt of court. Now he faces decades in prison and lives as a rogue outlaw. Each prison sentence goes further into the territory of “double secret probation.” If in fact Boris le Lay is somehow part of Démocratie Participative, it seems that the French government’s violation of his basic liberty of free expression is coming home to roost, as he started the 2nd most popular dissident site in the world in the French language as a result. Millions of Frenchmen have come to learn the truth about the subjugation of their nation. Its success and audience has been miraculous, and finally its propensity for truth telling has elicited the same kind of tyrannical Jewish censorship campaigns that The Daily Stormer has similarly been victimized by. … On Mon, Oct 22, 2018 at 08:57:16AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Analysis, summary, thoughts:
Where Does The Latest Social Media Purge Leave The State Of Social Discourse?
- First they came for David Duke, - then they came for The Daily Stormer, - then they came for Alex Jones, - then they came for everyone more than one standard deviation from the establishment or "deep state" party-line - then they came for me...
IRL folks. I. R. L.
On Sun, Oct 14, 2018 at 03:14:40PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
It's anuddah free speech shoah folks, literally.
'Like a death blow': Banned alternative media speak to RT after mass Facebook purge
The Facebook Purge: Corporate America's War on Alternative Media
Also, RT getting "speech shoahed":
First They Came For the Alt-Right, Then They Came For Alex Jones, THEN They Came for the Russians
Intense in the speech trenches ... Haverbeck, Robinson, Anglin, Duke, Jones,, and collectively 1000s of Twatter, FaceBookerberg and Jewwgle accounts and 10s of millions of followers.
And the USA values free speech?
On Fri, Oct 12, 2018 at 10:02:08PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Bam! Just like that, 800 conservative FaceBook accounts, millions of followers - all gone.
So sad.
Gone for evah muh exalted libber tardian!
Facebook Purges Over 800 Accounts With Millions Of Followers; Prominent Conservatives Vanish "After 5 years of building fans Facebook has officially unpublished our page (3.1 million fans) so we can't post on it anymore."
Remember Mark Zuckerberg's quote: “They trust me - dumb fucks!”
(For anyone who mistakenly thought that by using [FaceBookerberg | Jewgle | Twatter | etcStein] that they were the product - nope, not according to Zuckerberg.)
Welp, that should fortify Zuckerberg's 2024 US presidential urn.
HA! For that offer you can't refuse, there's CNN. For everything else, there's dumb f.....
On Sun, Sep 30, 2018 at 08:00:37AM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
But muh corporations must be free! Muh muffugin shares! Muh "free" corporate monopolies! Muhfuggin Libertarian rights!
Suck it up buttercup - you be sheep, nyet gazillionaire$; we be trenchin from now, from here, not there in your utopian imagi-bullshit-nation.
But muh upotian bushtits are the best buffslishts we ebbah seen in dum histary off muh world!??? Surely?!?!?!?!?
Non! You bin edumacated, muh fellow sheeple! Wake up and smell (((thy shit)))!
Leading Russian-American Alt-Right YouTuber Makes a Great Case for Laws Against Censorship (Lana Lokteff)