This list is seriously full of FUD lately.. but then again, when has it not been? On the other hand. people should be aware of the limitations and problems inherent to any tool they use. For example, you can't put your hand under the place where you are slamming the hammer down. As Odinn, I have been compelled to remind Odinson of this from time to time. Here are some tidbits which may be relevant to the Tor-as-tool discussion and what to be aware of: (Note: This clear warning about some issues with certain aspects of use of Tor is from the Tor Project itself. They are right to provide cautionary information so that users of the project do not inadvertently harm themselves with the tools provided.) https://www.torproject.org/docs/faq#WarningsAboutSOCKSandDNSInformationLeaks (The following is a guide which may be helpful on issues both related to Tor as well as to other tools, which suggests use of SOCKS4A) https://lilithlela.cyberguerrilla.org/?p=5794 Have fun out there. And be careful with the hammer. -Odinn
The tor 'anonimity' network is a project of the US military. As such, it must serve the ends of the US military.
If the alleged ends of the tor project do not match the ends of the US military, the alleged tor ends are just a cover lie, or a lame half-truth at best.
The real ends of the US military, are, of course, not 'officially' acknowledged though they are widely known, even among half-educated observers.
The US military is the biggest criminal organization on the planet and its real purpose is to further the global interests of the US government and US fascist business. To do this they routinely invade countries and murder millions of people.
Bear in mind the moral outlook of these people when analyzing their actions.
Would the US military create an anonimity network that they can't subvert? Of course not.
The tor network can prevent ordinary users A and B from learning their respective locations, but if a third party C (say, US government) can monitor A's and B's traffic, it can 'deanonimize' them.
As a side note, tor can be and is routinely blocked, rendering it rather useless. In cases where tor could make people anonymous, at least from the point of view of servers like, say, IRC servers , access is blocked by the servers operators. So much for 'free speech'.
Suming up, the first objective of the tor network is to give a 'gratis' and subverted 'tool' to...targets of government surveillance. Pure altruism.
Another objective of the tor network is to get around the blocking system of, say, the chinese network. Since china is firewalled, the US military can't easily spy on chinese people.
So, what the tor employees (accomplices of the fascist US governemnt) do is
1) pretend that they 'fight' for ' free speech' in china
2) gather information about people in china who, by using tor, signal that they are potentially 'interesting' to the US military.
Again, the 'official' motives and the real motives do not match,
So far, I got this far =P - Ill add more stuff later ....