Dnia czwartek, 8 października 2015 13:30:07 Razer pisze:
On 10/08/2015 09:20 AM, rysiek wrote:
But wait, if we *do* get a truly decentralized market with no middlemen, where individuals do not have to cooperate with would-be middlemen, are you saying that individuals would not at all co-operate with each other in order to *become* middlement and shaft everybody else?
Show me the advantage over cooperating with others equilaterally.
If there is no advantage, why do we have middlemen at all right now? If it was so blindingly obvious that it's better to co-operate equilaterally with everybody, rather than shafting them and becoming middlemen, why do middlemen exist at all? -- Pozdrawiam, Michał "rysiek" Woźniak Zmieniam klucz GPG :: http://rys.io/pl/147 GPG Key Transition :: http://rys.io/en/147