Democrats inciting more "mostly peaceful" violence, escalate by doxxing, stalking, proposing to murder judges, harassing churches, etc... https://nypost.com/2022/05/06/abortion-protests-biden-wont-condemn-at-doxxed... https://teaparty.org/ruth-sent-us-leftists-finally-cross-the-threshold-show-... https://timcast.com/news/a-pro-abortion-group-is-planning-to-disrupt-catholi... https://www.ruthsent.us/ Funny how the retarded Left fails to consider that their political opponents will just roll out the same Assassination Politics game against them in turn... https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1522230135562326016 https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFSAMPZmWYAEe9_H.jpg " @simongwynn - Interesting real life trolley problem in America now. If you had the chance to kill Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, the two oldest right wing Supreme Court judges, should you do it while Biden can get his nominees to replace them confirmed? - It's interesting as an abstract question but becomes a real conundrum if, say, you're terminally ill and have little to lose yourself, but know that it could save many women's lives in the future. - I've removed my recent two tweets about the US Supreme Court as on reflection they're obviously pretty irresponsible, though I don't think they would be against Twitter's TOS. FYI I don't endorse murdering anyone, but don't think there's anything wrong with thought experiments. Twitter is not often a good place for them, however. "