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September 17th, 2018:
An online occupation
We shut down big tech for a day
How do we take on the largest and most corrupt corporate Goliaths to ever exist?
In three steps:
First, we sow the seeds of dissent on Twitter, on Instagram, on Zuckerberg’s own playground of Facebook...
MEME 1: Boycott Bezos
MEME 2: Does Google do evil?
MEME 3: Does Mark Zuckerberg have Fascist tendencies?
Then we zero in on Facebook and attack the platform from within:
We change our profile photos to #OSV memes...
We create a strange Google Search-Free Day...
We cause an uncanny lull on amazon.com... refuse to buy anything from Bezos for a day...
On September 17th, we unleash a one-day #FuckItAll flood of memes, posts, tweets, and statuses full of everything Silicon Valley wants to keep offline. Facebook makes me feel like shit
We crash their servers, flood their feeds, disrupt their algorithms. Open the code motherfucker
We expose Silicon Valley’s ugly underbelly, thrusting its fascist tendencies into the open for the whole world to see. let me get high one more time
We take on Big Tech’s Orwellian overreach.
Take back control of our lives and minds, on + offline...
Flip the power balance...
Make the Internet ours again Occupy Silicon Valley 2018
On September 17th, seven years after we occupied Wall Street, be a part of history again...
Join us in taking Big Tech down for a day...
Spread the news like wildfire—slap these print-outs across big tech adverts, slip 'em into the textbooks of yesteryear and the coat pockets of the utterly unsuspecting. Splatter #OSV memes across the face of social media. Let's light a fire under the dormant activists and galvanize a global army.
It's time to take back the internet.